Anne Graham Lotz cites Isaiah 5:8 as warning for America having 'turned away' from God

The daughter of the late Evangelist Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, told a gathering of Christian conservatives Thursday about the importance of looking to God and remembering He is the ultimate authority, even in what she perceives to be a "crisis" in our nation.
The AnGeL Ministries founder and author was a featured speaker during the Family Research Council's Pray Vote Stand Summit held at First Baptist Atlanta.
The summit took place from Wednesday to Friday, with the theme based around standing for life after the U.S. Supreme Court overturnedRoe v. Wade in June, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
During her speech, the 74-year-old seemingly compared the United States to the nation of Judah in the Bible, a nation that, despite its decades of prosperity, neglected to thank God for its blessings. This prompted the Lord to uplift the prophet Isaiah, who condemned the members of the nation for its sins, as seen in Isaiah 5:8.
She told a story about a gift from her mother, Ruth Graham, that she had thrown away because she didn't like how it was wrapped, relating this to what she fears is happening in the U.S. today. Later, Lotz learned that the tissue paper contained a gold ring that was part of the pavement of the palace where Queen Esther lived.
"I had thrown away a priceless treasure because I didn't like the way it was wrapped," she said.
"Are we in danger of concentrating on the wrapping and the brown paper packages that show up and missing the treasure that's on the inside?" she asked, remarking that nationwide, "we are under attack."
"Has there ever been a time like this where there is a brown package showing up at every level, every angle, every place? It's stunning what is going on in this state, in our nation, in our world, and I expect, in your own life," she added.
Lotz believes the sins Isaiah listed are still relevant to today's society, which she stated condones actions such as abortion, premarital sex and rejects traditional marriage.
"A nation that, in a way, like Judah, we're a covenant nation dedicated to the glory of God by President George Washington when he was first inaugurated, and we've rejected God. We've turned away from Him," she said.
"And we've had more than 52 years of relative peace and prosperity, but instead of using that time to draw near to Him, to live out our national life in gratitude for His blessings, acknowledging that all blessings come from Him, we've turned away from Him."
She believes the nation is in "crisis." Sharing the message of Isaiah 6, Lotz stated that the most appropriate response in such situations is to follow the prophet's example by looking up to God and asking what He wants.
"And I believe we need, as a Church, people who call ourselves by God's name; we need a fresh vision of Jesus," she said.
She said that in Isaiah's vision of the Lord, the prophet saw Him seated on a throne.
Lotz asked the audience what has caused them to doubt that God is in control, noting the testimonies given by other speakers on issues including life and family values.
"Are you personally doubting that Jesus is in control when your child comes home from school and says he has transitioned into a different gender?" she asked. "Do you say, 'Jesus, really? Are you on the throne?'"
In an election year like 2022, Lotz says many people are vying for public office. But regardless of whether a politician holds a state-level position or lives in the White House, "Jesus is higher than all."
"When we pray, we need to remember that we are appealing to the highest authority that there is in the universe," she said. "One who is in charge, one who gives us His attention. And not only was He high, He was exalted."
Lotz concluded with a prayer, calling for a "revival" in everyone's lives and in the nation.
"Please, God, it's the only answer, other than your return," she said. "So we do pray, even so, come, Lord Jesus, and it's in your name and in your glory that we pray, Amen."
This is not Lotz's first time speaking at a Family Research Council event.
While speaking at Family Research Council's 2016 Watchmen on the Wall conference, she asserted that America must repent for its embrace of sexual immorality. Lotz's speech focused on an "urgency to reach the lost."
"When we refuse to repent of our sin and turn to God, then in [Romans] verse 26, God gives us over to sexual depravity. Which is what we see all around us today," she said at the time. "Then, we refuse to repent of our sin and turn to God."
Citing Romans 1:28, Lotz argued that America has entered the "last stage of this downward spiral into the abyss of God's judgment."
"The last step, 'furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to a reprobate mind,'" Lotz recited.
"He gives us over to ourselves, and I believe America is in the last stage of this downward spiral into the abyss of God's judgment."
Lotz said it was not too late for America to repent, pointing to verse John 3:16 to remind the audience of God's love and promise of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus.
"There are people all around us who are perishing. … You are born into the human race as a sinner. All are sinners, and if we don't do anything about it and we step into eternity still in our sin, we come under the judgment, the whole wrath of God. We are separated from Him forever, and that is Hell."
"That is not something I am telling you, don't misunderstand me; that is just the Gospel," she added. "That's why God sent Jesus."