Bethel's Kris Vallotton says his apology for election prediction was premature, will wait

Bethel Church Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton is backtracking his apology for prophesying that President Donald Trump would win reelection, now saying that he will wait until the final results are tabulated.
After much of the media declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election on Saturday, the Redding, California, megachurch pastor, who is known in charismatic circles for his books on prophecy and his prophetic ministry, posted a video on his Facebook page, saying that he had made a big mistake in predicting Trump would serve another term in office. He felt he had to apologize for getting it wrong because such a prediction creates a "credibility gap" in his ministry which many have come to trust.
Vallotton has since removed the video.
"After doing a lot more research, I decided to wait until the official vote count is complete as it appears that there is a significant amount of discrepancy in the process," he explained on his Facebook page Monday, noting that many have asked him why he took it down.
"In the meantime I will be praying and believing for the will of the Lord to be done. If the outcome remains the same, I will repost my apology video. If my prophetic word turns out to be right, I will do the chicken dance in my spandex. God’s speed —humility is still the way forward!"
His words come as a chorus of charismatic and Pentecostal voices who have prophesied Trump would serve two terms as president are maintaining that they indeed heard from God despite media outlets projecting that former Vice President Joe Biden won the race. Some, including Jeremiah Johnson, have asserted that a nefarious plot is presently unfolding to steal the election from Trump. The Trump campaign is currently working on several lawsuits alleging voter fraud in several key swing states.
Vallotton said in a Dec. 8 sermon that he believed God was going to give President Trump a second term in a message that centered on sovereign providence. God was intervening in the United States and the world in a remarkably providential way and was about to display His power because He is sovereign over the affairs of humankind, he said.
God had been taking him on a journey learning about divine providence, he explained at the time, and six weeks prior to preaching the message in which he predicted Trump would win a second term he had a dream in which he saw the mutilation of children in transgenderism. In the dream, he then heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say that "the iniquity of the Amorites [in America] is complete." He then awoke from the dream and said he could not stop crying for the remainder of the night.
In Scripture, when the sin of the Amorites — a notoriously wicked people group who dwelled in the land of Canaan — was complete, the Israelites were delivered from bondage. Genesis 15 records God telling Abraham that his descendants would be enslaved for 400 years and in the fourth generation would return to the land that God gave him "for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.”
In a Tuesday post, Vallotton called on believers not to point the "finger of judgment" but to be humble. "This is not about a man winning a political race, but about the Lord healing our land!" he wrote.
"Offense, bitterness and judgement will drive our country deeper into darkness no matter who leads. Revivals are never birthed out of being right, they are born out of righteous which is rooted in Jesus’ redemption and forgiveness. I’m concerned that we are losing sight of the fact that our battle not against people but against principalities and powers.What if God is testing the heart of His people? Remember humility + nothing = promotion."
Vallotton is the author of several books on prophecy, including The Supernatural Ways of Royalty, and School of the Prophets: Advanced Training for Prophetic Ministry. He is the co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.