Cecile Richards, former Planned Parenthood president, battling brain cancer

Former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, who led the United States’ leading abortion provider for over a decade, is battling brain cancer, according to a recent report.
New York Magazine published a feature on its website, The Cut, on Sunday, noting that Richards had received a diagnosis of glioblastoma, an incurable form of brain cancer, about six months ago.
The cancer diagnosis for the 66-year-old came around the same time as the birth of her first grandson, with Richards telling NY Magazine that “Teddy is getting hair … And I’m losing it.”
The publication noted that Richards is “a bit thinner” and has had to learn how to write again, but that she remains “remarkably cogent” and continues to engage in pro-choice activism.
This has included working on Charley, an online bot that Richards helped to create alongside former Planned Parenthood chief strategy officer Tom Subak, which provides resources to pregnant women seeking abortion.
“I’ve been blessed to have always had work that I cared about,” Richards told NY Magazine. “I have been one of the really privileged few that could do what I thought needed doing. And so whatever comes next, I have that.”
The daughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, Richards served as president of Planned Parenthood from 2006 to 2018, and is credited with expanding the organization’s overall influence.
During her time as president, Planned Parenthood became the subject of controversy when a series of undercover videos were released in 2015 showing employees and abortionists engaging in the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts, including hearts, lungs, liver, limbs and tissue.
Released online by the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress, the videos prompted several investigations into Planned Parenthood at the state and federal level, with Richards denying any wrongdoing.
In September 2015, before the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee, Richards testified that, contrary to the claims of herself, other pro-choice activists and politicians, Planned Parenthood clinics did not provide mammograms.
"There aren't any Planned Parenthood clinics, I believe, to the best of my knowledge, not any have mammogram machines at their facilities," responded Richards. "We have different kinds of arrangements with, depending on the state, to refer women for mammograms."
In past interviews, including a 2011 interview with Joy Behar, Richards had warned that if the federal government defunded Planned Parenthood, it would harm women's health, including mammogram access.
"If this bill … ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their healthcare access. Not to abortion services, to basic family planning, mammograms, cancer screenings," said Richards at the time.
In January 2018, Richards resigned from her role as president of Planned Parenthood. She was succeeded by Dr. Leana Wen, who was then ousted the following year due in part to her belief that the organization should focus more on medical services and less on abortion advocacy.