Christian leaders share inspiring new year messages for 2019
Michael W. Smith
Beginning our list is legendary Christian artist Michael W. Smith. In 2018, he released an impactful album titled Surrounded, which spearheaded a massive concert in Nashville,

Tennessee, where he said he felt "called" to usher in a great awakening throughout America.
Now, at the top of the new year, Smith revealed that he would be taking a break from social media, “for many good reasons,” but he wanted to share one final post to encourage others before taking his hiatus.
“I leave you with a word from my good friend Scotty Smith … This is my prayer for all of us … So good. Love you all and happy new year!,” the iconic Christian musician said on Instagram Tuesday.
He kicked off the prayer titled “A Prayer for a Gospel-Shaped 2019” by quoting Jeremiah 9:23-24:
"Don't let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches. But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord, have spoken!"
He added: “Heavenly Father, whether or not 2019 is going to be a ‘happy’ new year remains to be seen. But as in 2018, there won’t be a day this year you’ll fail to send us new mercies, give us sufficient grace, and be at work for our good. Because you have hidden our lives in Christ, your love will be the most constant, liberating, and reliable reality in our lives. You will delight in us, quiet us with your love, and rejoice over us with singing 24/7 (Zeph. 3:17). May this good news be more precious and real to us than anything else.”
The prayer then focused on the words spoken by God through the prophet Jeremiah as a declaration for the new year.
“May it be a year filled with knowing you better, resting in your grace, and serving you more faithfully. Though the temptation for things like approval, riches, and control will continue, may the joy of knowing you seize our hearts, shape our schedules, and consume our days,” he continued. “May we dance and suffer, work and play, serve and give all to your glory. Reveal more of Jesus to our hearts, bring Gospel-renewal to our churches, and advance your Kingdom in our cities. Indeed, may the Gospel compel us to love mercy, work for justice, and walk humbly with you until the day you take us Home.”
Smith concluded the prayer by petitioning himself and those reading to live each day of 2019 resting in God’s sovereign rule while loving well, forgiving, remaining repentant and living with expectancy in Jesus’ return.