John Piper to write book about the Second Coming: ‘Whatever the Lord impresses on me’

Desiring God teacher and author John Piper has announced that he will be writing a book about the Second Coming. He asked supporters for prayers as he seeks to write a “modest book” about the provocative topic.
In a message recorded on July 26 and posted on the Desiring God Twitter handle on Tuesday, Piper, chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, explained that he “had desired for several years now to write … a modest book that people would read and be helped by concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”
“What I’ll do, Lord-willing,” said Piper, “is take my file which I have assembled over the last months of every text in the New Testament relating to the Second Coming and I’ll just prayerfully, thoughtfully begin to read through them.”
“Taking notes about whatever the Lord impresses on me as a dimension of this reality that needs explaining and application and celebration.”
Piper described the book as “a team project,” as he had Desiring God personnel help him find past articles he had written about regarding the End Times, the rapture and similar issues.
According to Piper, the team had found and emailed him 42 items that included sermons, articles and other works that he had created regarding the topic since 1980.
“What will emerge, I don’t know,” continued Piper. “I don’t have any big outline for this book yet, but I will give you one more tip as to where it’s going.”
The Future Grace author quoted 2nd Timothy 4:6-8, which reads: “The time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
“How many Christians do you know who not only think about but love the appearing of the Lord? They manifestly give evidence that they love the prospect of the Lord splitting the sky, lightning from horizon to horizon, the last trumpet, the cry of the command of God, the raising of all dead believers?” Piper asked.
“How many people you know think about that, love that, and long for that to come?”
In January, the Colorado Springs, Colorado-based publisher WaterBrook published a book based off of a sermon series by the late preacher and author Eugene Peterson about the Book of Revelation.
Titled The Hallelujah Banquet: How the End of What We Were Reveals Who We Can Be, the book featured several edited sermons from Peterson from 1984.
In one of the sermons, Peterson argued that the last book of the Bible was “not a disclosure of future events but the revelation of their inner meaning.”
“It does not tell us what events are going to take place and the dates of their occurrence; it tells us what the meaning of those events is,” stated Peterson, as recorded in the book.
“The text gives us a summary of what lies behind the veil, behind the newspaper headlines, behind the expressionless mask of a new calendar.”