TD Jakes files defamation lawsuit against man who accused him of sexual assault

A day after suffering "a slight health incident" while preaching on Sunday, Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter's House megachurch in Dallas, Texas, filed a defamation lawsuit against former-pastor-turned-registered sex offender Duane Youngblood, who alleged he was sexually assaulted by Jakes when he was a teenager some 40 years ago.
"The underlying story in this case depicts a carefully planned effort by a convicted criminal, and those acting in concert with him, to rewrite history in order to deflect blame and accountability for his own reprehensible and criminal conduct and to publicly smear a renowned and eminently respected religious leader in a blatant and explicit attempt to extort him for millions of dollars," lawyers for Jakes wrote in the 20-page lawsuit filed in the Western District Court in Pennsylvania in which they detailed Youngblood's history of abusing minors since at least 2002.
Jake's lawyers noted that Youngblood was first arrested on charges of sexual assault and corruption of minors and other charges while he served as a pastor of a church in Homestead. In that case, Youngblood was accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old in 2002 while counseling the boy. The teen sought counseling from Youngblood because a cousin had molested him, according to a police affidavit.
Youngblood, who is on parole under the supervision of Pennsylvania's Department of Parole, was also charged with inappropriately touching two teenage victims while he was counseling them between 2009 and 2011. In one instance, he reportedly engaged the victim on about 25 occasions.
"On all occasions, Youngblood has pleaded guilty and admitted to his heinous crimes," the lawsuit notes.
Jakes' lawyers noted that despite his background, Youngblood has conspired with others to extort Jakes, and the aim of the renowned pastor's lawsuit is to stop the conspiracy and the pain it is causing Jakes.
"This lawsuit is intended to bring that scheme to a halt, to end the extreme emotional, physical, and spiritual toll Defendants' conduct has caused Bishop Jakes, to set the record straight so the world understands the patent falsity of the accusations, and to restore Bishop Jakes's reputation," they note.
Jakes, 67, filed the lawsuit against the 58-year-old Youngblood, who claimed in interviews with internet personality Larry Reid on his "Larry Reid Live" show on Oct. 28 and Nov. 3 that Jakes assaulted him when he was about 18 or 19 years old.
Youngblood claimed to Reid that he had been talking with Jakes for about two hours at the home of an older adult clergywoman, where he was staying during a local church revival approximately 40 years ago when Jakes tried to kiss him.
"After sitting there and having this long discourse with him, I finally looked at my watch, and I'm like, 'Oh my goodness, I got to go. I got to get this car back to my mother. She's gonna kill me.' So I said to bishop, 'I got to get up,'" Youngblood recalled.
"And I got up from the table, he got up from the table, he walked around toward the way I had to exit quicker than I got over there, and when I started to walk past him, he pulled me to himself, wrapped his arms around me, and tried to kiss me. And in that moment, I literally died."
The morning after the encounter, Youngblood alleges Jakes called his home and intimated that he wanted him to become a local sex partner.
"My mother answers the phone, and she says to me, 'Duane, it's Elder Jakes.' Jakes and I get on that phone and when I get on that telephone, I can hear water. He is sitting in a bathtub, and in that thing, he says to me, without any hesitation, 'there's three things I need you to do. The first one is, when I come to Pittsburgh, you're going to be the only person I sleep with. The second one is you can't sleep with anybody else because I don't want to give my wife anything. And thirdly, I will take care of you the rest of your life," Youngblood, who is now a registered sex offender due to his past abuse of minors, claimed during his interview with Reid.

Days after making those allegations public, Jakes' attorneys said an attorney representing Youngblood sent a demand letter to Jakes on Nov. 24 demanding $6 million "to 'resolve this matter quickly and privately;' otherwise, Youngblood would bring a lawsuit against Bishop Jakes for sexual assault and harassment."
Jakes' lawyers, who noted that the interviews went viral, said Youngblood's allegation caused the megachurch pastor millions of dollars in reputational harm and hurt his physical health.
"Youngblood's lies have put in jeopardy the critical philanthropic missions Bishop Jakes spearheads and has likely impaired significantly the benefits that the recipients of such efforts receive. And Youngblood's intentional and malicious lies have taken a substantial emotional and physical toll on Bishop Jakes," the lawsuit alleges. "On November 24 — the day before he filed this action — Bishop Jakes suffered a medical crisis on stage in the middle of his Sunday service in front of his entire church."
The legal filing further noted that, despite his claims, Youngblood is not a victim.
"Bishop Jakes believes with all his heart that actual victims of sexual abuse should be treated with the utmost respect, kindness, empathy, and sympathy — and that true perpetrators of such abuse should be held accountable for their actions. But that is not the case here," the lawsuit reads.
"Youngblood has used and abused the might of social media and the legal process to revictimize those he preyed on and harmed and to make knowingly false accusations for his own personal and financial gain. Men like Youngblood must be held accountable for their abuse of the system and for setting back those with legitimate and real allegations of sexual abuse."
Asked about Jakes' lawsuit Wednesday, Youngblood's attorney, Tyrone A. Blackburn, quoted Matthew 7:15-16.
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves," he wrote in a statement to The Christian Post. "You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? T.D. Jakes chickens have finally come home to roost. Stay tuned."
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