Why are young Christian men trying to rehabilitate Adolf Hitler?
Recently, a troubling trend has emerged on social media: young Christian men are trying to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler.
Should Christians fast?
What are the benefits of fasting today?
Stockholm Syndrome Christian: The tragedy of Francis Collins
Collins is indicative of a much broader problem facing Christians who desire to influence culture.
Do baby dedications, infant baptisms produce followers of Christ?
Being baptized or dedicated as an infant is a wonderful starting point, but this righteous act by itself does not produce a mature follower of Christ.
3 simple principles for Christians who want IVF treatment
Christian parents who love and obey God would never allow their spouse, or their children to become merely a commodity for the booming IVF industry.
Celebrity Christianity is dead: Stop coddling abusive preachers
The main symptom indicating the body of Christ isn't healthy is that those without “status” don't have a voice and can't send “pain signals” higher up.
World Orphan Week: The Church needs to step up for 153M orphans
World Orphan Week is set aside each year at the beginning of March and serves as a reminder that these precious children desperately need the Church to step up and fill the gaps that the government was never created to handle.
When God feels absent, what do you do?
Have you ever been desperate for God, like, truly desperate — and He doesn’t show up?
Wikipedia's co-founder converts to Christianity. Why is this important?
Early this month, Larry Sanger announced that he had come to Christ. We should rejoice when anyone becomes a Christian, but this conversion is especially interesting.
Will there be peace in Ukraine?
This war must end. It must end as soon as possible — but it must also end justly, in a way that ensures lasting peace.