American Christian Stance On Halloween, Pro-Trans Activists Shred Bible, Pastor Imprisoned In Hong Kong

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The majority of Protestant pastors in the United States do not advise Christians to avoid Halloween entirely, and many encouraged churchgoers to use the holiday to build relationships and spread the Gospel.

Activists protesting conservative commentator Matt Walsh's college tour at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where his documentary film “What is a Woman” was being shown, grabbed a Bible from a young man who was reading it aloud and ripped out the pages.

A judge in Hong Kong sentenced a 59-year-old Protestant pastor to more than one year in prison for sedition, making him the first Christian clergy in the city to be convicted under the draconian national security law that mainland China imposed two years ago to crush the pro- democracy movement.

As media attention on "Christian nationalism" looms large in American politics heading into the 2022 midterms, scholars this week debated the definition of the term and whether the increased media focus is an attempt to intimidate Christians from sharing their values in the public square.

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