Americans Believe Religious Freedom Declining, Ivana Trump Passes, Nigerian Bishop Calls For Action
More than half of all Americans say religious tolerance for Christians is on the decline, even as more than a third also believes Christians complain too much about how they are treated.
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf has vetoed a bill that would have banned boys who identify as female from competing in girls' sports.
A pro-life researcher is skeptical about a recent Gallup poll that reportedly found an overall increase in support for legal abortion, citing problems with the demographic breakdown.
Nearly a month after an attack on a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria, the number killed and the identity of the assailants remain unclear, though the church held a funeral service for “over 40” victims.
A civil rights activist became the first African-American woman honored at the National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
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- Most Americans believe religious freedom is in decline: survey | U.S. News
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- 'Entire diocese shattered': Nigerian bishop calls on world to act | World News
- First African American memorialized at National Statuary Hall | U.S. News