House Passes Bill To Codify Same-Sex Marriage, Push To Remove Gender From Human Remains, Texas Sues Biden Administration

Members of the Democratic-led House who are fearful that the U.S. Supreme Court might one day overturn the Obergefell v. Hodgesdecision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide passed legislation Tuesday that seeks to codify same-sex marriage into law.

Texas is suing the Biden administration over guidelines released earlier this month saying that hospitals must conduct abortions in medical emergencies following the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Worshiper and songwriter Meredith Mauldin is teaming up with UpperRoom to release a collection of heartfelt worship songs for their new album The Turning on DREAM Label Group.

An archaeology professor says the push to eliminate the gender identification of human remains is akin to “ideologically-motivated fudging" after a student argued that male and female classifications should be omittedbecause it's unknown how individuals identified themselves.

A Christian woman running for mayor of a London borough has taken legal action against her former employer, claiming she was fired for expressing her views on marriage as part of her campaign.

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