Twitter Files Reveal Censorship, China Suppresses Social Media Posts, NYC Church Reopens 21 Years After 9/11

The release of Elon Musk's "Twitter Files” has seemingly bolstered long-standing suspicions about the efforts of the social media company to suppress information that does not align with its employees' preferred opinions and narratives.

The general manager of Sydney-based Hillsong Church has told a court that sex abuse committed by Frank Houston, father of the leader of the global multisite church, was not reported to authorities because it wasn’t a “current matter.”

Authorities in Authorities in China are tightening regulation of social media "likes" and comments this week to stamp out protests against the communist party's strict COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

A New York City church that was destroyed during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, has finally reopened for worship 21 years later.

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