4 critical traits to maintain American freedom
![An American flag is seen along Wyoming Highway 59 near a residential housing development south of Gillette, Wyoming, U.S. May 31, 2016.](https://assets.christianpost.com/images/cache/image/10/34/103459_w_400_267.jpg)
President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same …” Our Founders counted the cost of freedom by signing the Declaration of Independence, “[pledging] to each other [their] Lives, [their] Fortunes and [their] sacred Honor.” In the words of retired Navy SEAL Jocko Willink, they took extreme ownership. But if we’re honest, we’ve dropped the ball, became complacent and disengaged, let the culture collapse, and allowed the government to steadily dismantle our freedoms.
The Declaration of Independence enshrined the truth that rights come from God and the primary role of government is to protect those rights. It places God over citizens and citizens in control of the government. So, what happens when we as citizens fail to play our part? What happens when we abdicate our authority, entrust it to “them,” and then wake up one day only to find that we don’t recognize the country we live in anymore?
Millions of Americans have experienced that exact scenario. For me, I got to “sit in” on one of my daughter’s remote high school classes during the COVID “scare” and I was appalled at what I witnessed. First, I watched my daughter share facts about the ineffectiveness of masks, the risks associated with the vaccine, and more importantly, her belief that each individual should have the freedom to make the best decisions for their own health; mandates and the use of force seemed decidedly “un-American” to her. I then watched as her teacher ridiculed her and allowed a feeding frenzy from other classmates. Of course, two years later her “misinformation” has proven to be true.
But it was at that moment that I realized that much of our educational experience is really political and cultural indoctrination. During the next year, I discovered it was much worse than I thought. From educational indoctrination to medical mandates and cancel culture, it became obvious that the American Way was getting dismantled. The anti-family, anti-faith, and anti-freedom agenda had taken root and was undermining our foundational values. These revelations motivated me to take action.
American Freedom is completely dependent on every American citizen's engagement. Self-governance “of the people, by the people, and for the people” puts the ownership of freedom in our hands. Citizens must possess four critical traits including self-restraint, self-assertion, civic knowledge, and self-reliance. Without these, Americans will willingly give up essential freedoms for a false sense of safety and security.
1.Self-Restraint. Citizens must live virtuous lives of integrity and respect. John Adams observed “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In fact, when the Founders spoke of Individual Liberty, it was always with the understanding that free will must be restrained by self-control rooted in faith, virtue, and timeless principles. Faith and the nuclear family have traditionally led to very stable and thriving communities. And, being responsible to a “higher authority” by living out the Great Commandment to love God and love your neighbor as yourself would make a profound difference.
If citizens can’t restrain themselves from injuring others or committing crimes, a powerful police state and intrusive laws will be necessary to maintain public order. Criminal looting, rioting, drug use, and violence are out of control. We need a courageous return to high moral standards and virtuous living to restore trust, order, and freedom.
2. Self-Assertive. Citizens must courageously and freely express their views, question authority, and defend their God-given rights with their voice and vote. In the last three years, we’ve witnessed the obliteration of our rights under the guise of safety and public health measures. Those in power imposed mandates and coerced compliance while censoring, silencing, and “canceling” people (even world-class doctors) when they expressed opinions that opposed the “state-approved” narrative. People lost their businesses, their jobs, access to education, and had everyday freedoms suspended because they refused to comply or courageously dissented.
Self-censorship for fear of retribution is now the norm; some have chosen to “go along to get along.” But with the cultural battle now raging against families and children, the tide seems to be turning. We have even stood silent as words like “woman” have been redefined and biological men have dominated women’s sports. We need a courageous return of truth-speakers who will not compromise out of fear.
3. Civic Knowledge. Citizens must know our history, the origin of their rights, the limits of government, and how to actively engage in protecting those rights. Most people don’t know the Constitution so they can’t defend it. In fact, 8th graders have never scored so low in American history and civics. And with the state education system working hard to demonize our Founders and destroy our foundations, it’s no wonder freedom is on the ropes.
There’s a willingness to accept unconstitutional laws that infringe on our right to bear arms, free speech, religious expression, assemble peacefully, and make personal medical choices. We need a courageous return to the truth, the rule of law, and the defense of our Constitutionally protected rights.
4. Self-Reliance. Citizens must become far more independent, capable, responsible, and less dependent on the government. It enables individuals to provide for their needs and be more self-sufficient and resilient. Many feel entitled and expect the government to give them everything for free — education, jobs, healthcare, and even housing. The more we rely on the government, the bigger it gets and the less freedom we have. Progressives have divided everyone into victim groups and there seems to be a competition to see who can be the biggest victim.
The values of hard work, sacrifice, and excellence have been replaced by “equity,” which is a Marxist tool to ensure that everyone achieves mediocrity. It’s time to stop blaming others and start taking responsibility for our lives. Being able to grow our own food, defend ourselves and loved ones, take care of our own health, and provide for our needs is critical. We need a courageous return to personal responsibility for all aspects of our well-being.
President Abraham Lincoln noted, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” That’s where we find ourselves today. And every single American must wake up, rise up, and take personal responsibility — embodying self-restraint, self-assertion, civic knowledge and self-reliance. We must count the cost of freedom and ask ourselves this, “Am I willing to sign the pledge?” Am I willing to pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to protect and pass on American Freedom? I pray the answer is a resounding ’Yes!’ We need a citizen revolution.
Jimmy Page is a father, coach, leader, speaker, and author who spent nearly two decades in sports leadership with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, impacting athletes and coaches at all levels. He is the Founder of the Unstoppable Freedom Alliance and now advocates for freedom, the revitalization of culture, and the fulfillment of the American promise. You can follow him on Instagram:@unstoppablefreedomalliance or @jimmypage37 and online: unstoppablefreedomalliance.com