Not all kids in cages are at the border
Put kids in cages? Do that yourself, and you’ll get 25 to life. Do that as Obama, Trump, and Biden, and you get…a bye, condemnation, and a bye, respectively.
Originally built by Obama in 2014, controversial holding facilities housed whole families behind chain-link fencing as they awaited immigration hearings. Under Trump, kids were separated from their families and kept in those same inhumane “cages,” prompting protests leading to a rare policy reversal, except for unaccompanied minors. To little outcry, Biden (critical of “Trump’s cages” during the recent campaign) has now perpetuated the practice, disingenuously insisting that it’s for the kids’ own safety during the COVID crisis. (Hardly “social distancing!”)
If only border “cages” were the sole threat to vulnerable kids. Some young migrants never make it to the relative safety of immigration facilities, being “caged” as sex-slaves and scarred for life. Far less abused, but often scarred in more subtle ways, are the kids who end up in life’s many other (invisible) “cages.”
Merely consider the kids separated from their parents through divorce. Dare repeat the mantra: “The kids are doing well”? Rarely is that completely true (the worst cases being “caged” in alcohol and drugs, unable to cope.) Even worse off are the kids whose parents (typically fathers) are missing in action, perhaps not even known. In the inner-city, particularly, kids’ inescapable social “cages” all too often end up being, not just cages, but cold, harsh prison cells.
“Cages” come in many disguises. Increasingly, they are America’s classrooms, in which the abuse comes via cynical indoctrination of a captive audience of innocents. When I wrote Sodom’s Second Coming thirty years ago, the groundbreaking book being read to youngsters was “Heather Has Two Mommies.” Three decades on, kids are reading “The GayBCs,” in which “B” is for Bi; “I” for Intersex; “N” for Non-binary; “P” for Pan; and “T” for Trans. Immorality has its own depraved open-borders policy in which the only cages are for those who dare dissent.
Comes now the dismaying news that the nation’s largest “Evangelical” adoption and foster care agency (Bethany) will be offering its services to LGBT parents, “with the love and compassion of Jesus to the many types of families who exist in our world today.” Presumably, that’s the same Jesus who said, “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble” (Lk. 17:2).
Little surprise, the second coming of Sodom has landed squarely in the faith community, now willing to sacrifice innocent children on the altar of political correctness, “caging” them in perverted home environments. Loving parents they may be — perhaps more loving than many normal parents — but two daddies or two mommies is, well, contrary to nature. (If you have to tell ‘em, you can’t tell ‘em!”)
Pity that the King James Version has Jesus saying (archaically), “suffer the little children to come unto me.” The perversion being foisted on today’s innocents is nothing less than child abuse, the suffering from which will drive a generation into the arms of anyone but Jesus.
Worried about your kids and grandkids? Now, more than ever, it’s time for bedtime stories in which “B” is for Bible; “G” for God; “J” for Jesus; “L” for love; and “T” for Truth. Only these crucial letters can protect our endangered kids from whatever abusive “cages” might await them.
F. LaGard Smith is a retired law school professor (Pepperdine, Liberty, and Faulkner law schools), and is the author of some 35 books, touching on law, faith, and social issues. He is the compiler and narrator of The Daily Bible (the NIV and NLT arranged in chronological order), and posts weekly devotionals on Facebook, drawing spiritual applications from current events.