Why some Evangelicals are embracing racism

Just as leftists use America’s history with white supremacy to justify anti-white racism, some “evangelicals” are using critical race theory to justify racism against non-white people.
Pressure from critical race theorists has convinced many evangelical leaders to become ashamed of the Gospel and they’ve embraced anti-white racism. In the same way, through bitterness against critical race theorists, some anti-woke evangelicals have become dissatisfied with biblical theology and they’ve embraced racism against non-white people.
Like Sadducees and Pharisees, despite their opposing views — these two groups have one major thing in common: they’re refusing to submit to Jesus’ authority.
Worldliness isn’t a leftist trait. It’s not just progressive “Christians” who can be deceived by unbiblical views on race. Satan is cunning. If he’s able to deceive Puritans into embracing white supremacy, he’s able to deceive conservative protestants into embracing Kinism.
Kinism is an ideology within some Reformed circles that teaches that a person’s so-called race makes them “kins” or related to people within their racial group. According to Kinists, all white people have a shared ethnicity and culture that should be preserved. Therefore, they support racial segregation in communities and families. Meaning, they’re especially opposed to immigration (not just illegal immigration) and “interracial” marriage.
Just as most Big Eva leaders (mainstream evangelical leaders) do not embrace every facet of critical race theory, not all Kinists embrace every facet of Kinism. However, their soft form of Kinism isn’t any less destructive than a soft form of critical race theory.
These Kinists are significantly smaller in number and influence than professing Christians who’ve embraced critical race theory. However, they’re less uncommon than you might think.
Until recently, all the racist words I’ve received since I started writing on race eight years ago have come from critical race theorists. However, a few months ago — especially after I called out Stephen Wolfe — I received hundreds of racist words from Kinists on social media, especially since I’m a black man married to a white woman.
Stephen Wolfe is one of the most influential Kinists in evangelical circles. He’s the author of the popular book, The Case For Christian Nationalism. On Twitter last year, he said:
“While intermarriage is not itself wrong (as an individual matter), groups have a collective duty to be separate and marry among themselves … there is a difference between something being sinful absolutely and something being sinful relatively. Interethnic marriage can be sinful relatively and absolutely.”
He’s since deleted those tweets. But his tweets are consistent with his words in The Case For Christian Nationalism:
“People of different ethnic groups can exercise respect for difference, conduct some routine business with each other, join in inter-ethnic alliances for mutual good, and exercise common humanity (e.g., the good Samaritan), but they cannot have a life together that goes beyond mutual alliance … What I am saying is that in-group solidarity and right of difference along ethnic lines are necessary for the complete good for each and all.”
In the book, he also positively quotes white nationalist Sam Francis. If you’re unfamiliar with him, American Renaissance (a white supremacist website) said “Francis was the premier philosopher of white racial consciousness of our time.”
For what it’s worth, Stephen Wolfe claims he isn’t a Kinist. But Big Eva leaders who adopt Black Lives Matter talking points also say they aren’t critical race theorists.
Nevertheless, Stephen Wolfe isn’t the only relatively influential person with Kinist views. Andrew Torba, the founder of the social media website Gab and the author of Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, recently tweeted:
“God created different ethnic groups. To preserve them is to preserve God’s creation and is therefore an inherent good.”
Like all racists, Kinists are fundamentally foolish. God ordains ethnicity, but he didn’t create all ethnicities in the Garden of Eden. Meaning, my Akan ethnicity or Fanti tribe didn’t exist in the Garden. My race existed in Adam and Eve, but my ethnicity didn’t. Humanity — the human race — was created in the Garden, but our ethnicities were ordained by God over time.
Therefore, since our ethnicities didn’t exist at some point in the past — we shouldn’t attempt to preserve them in the future. The purpose of ethnicity isn’t to preserve our image, it’s to preserve the image of God. He will do whatever he wants with our ethnicities for his glory (Revelation 5:9-10).
So, although I want my pre-born son to look just like me, just like the average Akan or Fanti person — I want him to look more like Christ. That’s why I married a godly woman, though she has a different ethnicity so that we can raise a godly son.
Sam Francis once said: “At a time when anti-white racial and ethnic groups define themselves in explicitly racial terms, only our own unity and identity as a race will be able to meet their challenge.”
But we’re not called to repay evil for evil, racism for racism, Kinism for critical race theory.
Sin is sin, on the right or the left. Kinism is just as evil as critical race theory. So Kinists are not our allies. They’re just as opposed to biblical views on race as critical race theorists.
Originally published at Slow to Write.
Samuel Sey is a Ghanaian-Canadian who lives in Brampton, a city just outside of Toronto. He is committed to addressing racial, cultural, and political issues with biblical theology, and always attempts to be quick to listen and slow to speak.