Man Wins $45,000 With Most Amazing Guess Ever on 'Wheel of Fortune', Leaves Pat Sajak Speechless (VIDEO)
The good news was that Emil beat out the other two contestants to make it to the final "Bonus Puzzle" on "Wheel of Fortune." That bad news was that after giving his three consonants and a vowel, only two letters out of the 12-letter answer were showing, and they weren't very helpful. The clue was that it was a "thing," and it really could have been anything.
"You're a very good puzzle solver, but I don't know, " says host Pat Sajak. "You have ten seconds. Keep talking, maybe the right thing will pop out."
After a second, Emil guesses "new baby buggy." A moment later, the answer pops up. He nailed it.
The crowd goes wild and Sajak is left speechless, jokingly patting down Emil like he just did something criminal. On Twitter, Sajak emphasized his awe of what took place.
Tonight's "Wheel of Fortune" features most amazing solve in my 30+ years on the show. No kidding.
— Pat Sajak (@patsajak) March 19, 2014