

  • Sept. 16, 2024: Correction: An earlier version of this article published on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024, incorrectly reported that the Texas Education Agency quoted liberally from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone" by J.K. Rowling in the Open Education Resources curriculum. A statement provided on Monday, Sept. 16, 2024, by a Texas Education Agency spokesman clarified to CP that any "Harry Potter" product is “in no way related to the Open Education Resources (OER) curriculum and there are no mentions of Harry Potter in the product,” and that the Harry Potter lesson that was referenced in this story is a “completely separate resource on the Gateway called OnTrack which is not part of OER or the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process.” Go to Article »
  • Aug. 28, 2024: The original article reported that Chris Reed took over the ministry in 2021. He has worked with the ministry since 2021, but only took over the leadership role in 2023.  Go to Article »
  • June 15, 2024: This article has been updated to reflect that The Wartburg Watch has corrected its initial report, which stated that televangelist James Robison had accompanied Morris and his wife to Hominy, Oklahoma, to speak with Clemishire’s father. The Wartburg Watch has clarified that Robison did not join the couple on that trip, nor did he participate in any meeting Morris had with his victim and her family. Robison also did not know that Morris had sexually assaulted Clemishire. Go to Article »
  • Jan. 1, 2023: This article has been updated to reflect that the Chopeks have served in Deaf Life Gatherings at Redemption Hill Church in Jefferson Hills since January 2023. This article was also updated to reflect that Megan Chopek was 7 years old when she discovered she was hard of hearing.  Go to Article »
  • Oct. 24, 2022, Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that "Benoit partnered with the American Association of Christian Counselors to create a video sharing her testimony." A spokesperson for Benoit informed CP that the video had already been created, and that AACC helped to share the video instead. Go to Article »
  • April 8, 2019, Correction: This story has been corrected to state that membership at Cross Church is 25,000, not 8,000. Also, Ronnie Floyd did not help found the church (it was founded in 1870). Floyd did expand the number of campuses from one to four. Go to Article »
  • Aug. 20, 2019, Correction: An earlier version of this article reported that Pastor Alfrery Líctor Cruz Canseco was at the pulpit of his church when he was shot. But according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide, reports have since emerged that Pastor Cruz Canseco was in his car following a church service when he was fatally shot. Go to Article »
  • Sept. 21, 2016, Correction: An earlier version of this article reported that 26 people were killed last Friday in what was believed to be the deadliest attack that the CAR has witnessed in months. The total number of victims killed was six, according to Herve Verhoosel, the director of Public Information and Communications at MINUSCA. Go to Article »
  • Feb. 13, 2019, Correction: An earlier version of this article stated that Wycliffe had adapted the technology themselves. They helped fund it but the group has no developers working on the Bible translation tools. Go to Article »
  • March 30, 2014, Correction: An earlier verion of this article incorrectly stated that Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church wrote the blog post explaining three central themes in the biblical account of Noah. Steve Tompkins, also part of Mars Hill Church, wrote the post, not Driscoll. Go to Article »

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