Anthony Bradley
The End of Black Conservatism?
Sadly, it seems that with the retirement of Thomas Sowell, and the inevitable retirement of scholars like Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, black scholars, as champions of political and economic liberty, will continue to fade away if abortion remains the litmus test for identifying one's allegiance to conservatism. This is the end of an era.
Poor Whites Need Jesus and Justice Too
If you want to hear crickets in a room full of educated, missionally minded, culture-shaping evangelicals, ask this question: "What are you doing to serve the needs of poor white people?"
There Are No 'Black Leaders,' Including Al Sharpton
Who are the leaders of the "white community"? Who are the leaders of the "Asian American community"?
'Undercover Boss' Reality Show Celebrates Female Dehumanization
To end the 2014 on an incredibly dehumanizing note, CBS aired an episode of Undercover Boss that stirred up protests from all walks of life.
Ideological Tribalism: The Making of a Mainline Protestant Liberal in 'Evangelical' Tribal Clothing
Evangelicals generally develop perspectives on justice down tribal ideological and political lines because they normatively do not source the Christian social thought tradition when constructing perspectives on justice. It turns out, that I was simply being critiqued by a card-carrying, bona fide political progressive who is be also Christian.
A Gentle, Friendly Request for Southern Baptist Writers
I'm not quite sure how to say this, and I'm not trying to be a offensive or cause trouble, but several of us are wondering if our Southern Baptist friends can stop conflating issues in their own denomination with "evangelicalism" or "the American Church" or "The Church" in general.
Mass Incarceration: The New Eugenics?
The United States currently has over 2.3 million prisoners incarcerated in federal, state, and local jails around the country. According to an April report by the Sentencing Project, that number presents a 500 percent increase in incarcerations over the past 40 years.