Audrey Barrick
Pro-Lifers Call Out Planned Parenthood's Hypocrisy in Mother's Day Appeal
The new Mother's Day appeal by Planned Parenthood has left some pro-life groups annoyed and some just laughing. Children's author Judy Blume is the voice of this year's fundraising appeal.
Youth Specialties Shifts Convention Approach to Avoid Controversy
Youth Specialties will be making some dramatic shifts this year at their popular convention. One of the major changes includes featuring main session speakers who won't push the buttons of a theologically diverse crowd.
Obama Issues Nat'l Prayer Day Proclamation
President Barack Obama issued a proclamation designating Thursday as the National Day of Prayer. "I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love."
Congressmen, Faith Leaders to Affirm America's Spiritual Heritage
While there will be no White House observance for the National Day of Prayer, members of Congress and a group of faith leaders will convene on Thursday to affirm America's spiritual and religious history.
Megachurches Faring Slightly Better in Recession
A Leadership Network survey of 555 mostly megachurch pastors found that only 7 percent of the executive church leaders said the economic downturn has had a "very negative" impact on their church.
United Methodists: Church Is a Verb, Not a Noun
The United Methodist Church is urging the world to "rethink Church" through a new campaign that seeks to offer the church not as a building but as a movement of people empowered to transform the world.
United Methodist Court Rejects Gay Marriage Resolution
The United Methodist Church's top court recently ruled that clergy, both active and retired, cannot perform same-sex marriages or civil unions.
Minister Launches 'Spiritual But Not Religious' Movement
Those who identify themselves as "spiritual but not religious" have a new home. was launched this month for those who "desire a deep experience of life ... without the limitations and baggage of doctrine and religion."
Pro-Lifers Lament Sebelius' Confirmation as Health Chief
The confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services on Tuesday has many conservative and pro-life groups concerned about the health of Americans, especially the unborn.
Survey: 1 in 2 Americans Switch Faith Affiliation
About half of the U.S. adult population has switched religious affiliation at least once in their lives and most did so before the age of 24, according to a new study released Monday.