Ephesus - Turkey
In the ancient world, Ephesus was a center of travel and commerce.
Didyma - Turkey
Didyma, located in the southwest part of modern Turkey, was an important religious site of ancient Ionia.
Derbe and Lystra - Turkey
Derbe was a city in the district of Lycaonia in the Roman province of Galatiain south central Asia Minor.
Colossae - Turkey
Colossae was located 120 miles east of Ephesus in the Lycus River Valley in ancient Phrygia, part of the Roman territory of Asia Minor.
Assos - Turkey
Assos is located in a region of Mysia (northwest Asia Minor) called Troad.
Ai - Et-Tell - Samaria & Center
The site of et-Tell is a prominent ruin that is usually identified as biblical Ai.
Philippi - Greece
Philippi apparently had only a small number of Jewish inhabitants and no synagogue.
Olympia - Greece
Olympia was a sacred precinct of Peloponnese located near the crossing of the Alpheios and Kladeos rivers.
Tabgha - Galilee & North
Also known as Heptapegon, el-Oreme, En Sheva, 'En Sheva, et-Tabgha