Billy Graham
Christian Post Guest Columnist
God Doesn't Want Me to Be Unhappy, Does He?
You see, when we find ourselves unsettled or unhappy it doesn't necessarily mean that God wants to change our situation.
Pick New Year's Resolutions That Focus on What God Wants for You
The start of a new year is a good time to stop and look at our lives -- and that's the first step in making any realistic resolutions.
Christians Do Good Out of Fear of Punishment?
I think the only reason you Christians try to be good is because you're afraid God will punish you if you aren't good. Well, that doesn't wash with me since I'm an atheist.
Don't Let Failed Christians Keep You From Christ
Christians are supposed to be kind and good. Don't let the bad example of a few who claim to be Christians but aren't really following Jesus keep you away from Him.
Billy Graham: 'Nearing Home' Chapter One
or the most part they were ordinary men and women, and as such they have lessons to teach us. The first is this: old age may have its limitations and challenges, but in spite of them our latter years can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling of our lives. It was for them, and it can be for us.
Bible Does More Than Tell Us How to Live
What you're really saying is that you don't need God -- and that's a very dangerous attitude. It's dangerous because you're saying you know more than God about what's best for you
Life Is Short; Don't Waste It
Life is short; none of us knows how long we have to live. We need to live each day as if it were our last - for some day it will be. If you are ever going to live for Christ, it should be now.
What Is Our Greatest Spiritual Problem?
What is our greatest spiritual problem? Is it simply a lack of knowledge about God? Or is it something deeper?
The Sign of a True Christian Is a Changed Life
One of the signs of a true Christian is a changed life. In fact, if there is no indication that a person wants to follow Christ, it's a sign that they may not be saved
Whatever Your Sins, God Doesn't Hate You!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could go to bed tonight and know beyond all doubt that God had forgiven all your sins