Brandon Showalter
Brandon M. Showalter is a journalist and podcaster with The Christian Post who has reported extensively on topics of theological interest in the Church; bioethics issues such as euthanasia, assisted suicide, artificial reproductive technology, and surrogacy; and the developments of the "gender identity" movement and transgender ideology.
I became a gym rat. Why I encourage young men to do likewise
Ten years ago, I was a skinny bag of bones. At age 29, I was 6 feet, 7 inches tall and I weighed 175 pounds.
Try reading this dad's gender ideology legal limbo and not feel exhausted
All of this was done without Hudacko’s permission and he didn't even learn about it until a bill for the surgery totaling nearly $210,000 suddenly appeared on his insurance statement.
The weaponization of ‘mental health’ and ‘trauma’: A review of Abigail Shrier's 'Bad Therapy'
The woman who journalistically captured a burgeoning epidemic of self-harm among teen girls suddenly identifying as transgender has confronted yet another colossal behemoth: the mental health industry.
Yes, trans ideology even sanctions the abuse of infants too
The synthetic hormone-addled discharge from male breasts that babies are ingesting, is not remotely in the same ballpark as a mother’s breast milk.
'The Reckoning: How the Democrats and the Left Betrayed Women and Girls' (book review)
It takes far more guts to confront your ideological compatriots than your foes and a recent book documenting the assault of gender ideology on women’s rights from a leftist perspective exhibits such courage in spades.
'The Lost Boys' on grisly hellscape of trans surgery (movie review)
Not long after the contemporary transgender revolution besieged the Western world, the alarm that subsequently arose mostly centered around dysphoric teen girls and young women, often to the exclusion of boys and hurting young men.
The Red State v. Blue State war over trans-ing kids and why California is pivotal
Americans, by and large, do not support giving minors puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and the performing of trans surgeries on their developing bodies, according to several reputable polls.
Dining across culture war divides
My lefty dinner guests who were chowing down on Coq Au Vin and pumpkin cobbler around my table the other night recounted how they have seen behind the Woke Left curtain and they detest it in the same way I loathe the rot in my sphere. The parallels were uncanny.
‘Generation Indoctrination’ Season 3: Growing resistance to transgenderism and what’s ahead for 2024
A critical mass of Americans finally seemed to wake up to the dire threat of gender ideology in 2023, and not a moment too soon.
3 historical facts to know about Advent
The first day of Advent this year is Dec. 3, marking the beginning of the New Year for Christians, but this seasonal observance is unfamiliar to some Christians. Here are three things you should know about the month-long season of Advent leading up to Christmas Day.