Caleb Knox
Can democracy do without campfires?
Communities are forged in the common practice of living life with another, and they involve dealing with the wondrous idiosyncrasies of a fallen race; abstract, online communities do nothing of the sort. They have merely replaced, as opposed to being a supplement for, true community.
Subtle modern heresies
It is vague moralisms, not strong, developed doctrines that the Church must guard against. Such heresies may be less clear, but they are not less dangerous.
A word of prudence amidst fraying racial relations
The American project is not wholly abstract, but it is unique in its attempt to build civil relations on a primarily doctrinal, and not ethnic, foundation. Our first principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” should be the firm foundation of Civil Rights; they are the still point upon which the whole discussion must turn.