Christian Daily International
Christian man beaten by Iranian prison guard for requesting heart treatment: watchdog
A prison officer in Iran beat an imprisoned Christian convert for requesting medical treatment for a heart condition, according to advocacy group Article 18.
Syrian Christians praying for 'boldness,’ ‘peace’ amid escalating violence among warring factions
Syrian Christians continue to live out their faith with resilience, sharing the hope of Jesus Christ amid ongoing political turmoil and violence.
Franklin Graham proclaims 'unchanging Gospel' at Ethiopia event, over 4,000 commit to follow Jesus
Sixty-five years after his father, the late Billy Graham, first preached in Addis Ababa, Franklin Graham returned to the Ethiopian capital for a two-day evangelistic outreach on March 8-9 dubbed "Encountering God," drawing hundreds of thousands and witnessing over 4,000 commitments to Jesus Christ.
Chaplain’s firing for challenging LGBT ideology ruled ‘unsafe'; Judge orders retrial
A judge in England on Tuesday ruled a school chaplain’s firing for challenging LGBT ideology was “unsafe” due to anti-Christian bias of a member of the employment tribunal that had dismissed his appeal, according to an advocacy group.
Peruvian lawmaker proposes eliminating 'femicide' charge, sparks controversy
Peruvian Congresswoman Milagros Jáuregui de Aguayo has presented a bill that would eliminate the crime of femicide and instead classify the murder of spouses or cohabitants under the principle of equality before the law.
Ukrainian priest sentenced to 14 years in hard labor camp in Russia on false espionage charges
An imprisoned Ukrainian Orthodox Church priest has been sent to a hard labor camp in Russia to serve a 14-year sentence on false espionage charges, according to rights group Forum 18.
‘No further revisions to the Seoul Statement,’ Lausanne leaders say
No further changes will be made to the Seoul Statement that came out of the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Seoul, Korea, last year.
World Evangelical Alliance launches search for next secretary general
Eleven months after the resignation of World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Thomas Schirrmacher for health reasons, the global evangelical body announced that the search for its next leader is underway.
Christian group IJM works with Thai authorities to rescue 260 trafficking victims from scam compounds
Some 260 workers from 19 countries have been released from human trafficking “scam compounds” in Myanmar, reports International Justice Mission, a Christian non-governmental legal rights organization.
Evangelical groups break ground, seek to raise $50M for new worship center in Qatar
The World Evangelical Alliance joined the Evangelical Churches Alliance in Qatar in a ceremony to break ground for a planned worship center for Evangelical Christians near the capital of the Middle Eastern country.