Chuck Bentley
Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.
Ask Chuck: 3 Steps to Get Out of Debt in the New Year!
Dear Chuck, I read your column about making New Year's resolutions, and I've made mine: Get out of debt. It's not my first attempt, but I'm hopeful that this time I can do it.
Ask Chuck: How Do I Keep My New Year's Resolutions?
Dear Chuck, I'm closing out my year, thinking of goals for 2017. Do you think it's a biblical idea to make resolutions? And if so, do you have any advice on how to make resolutions that I can actually keep?
Ask Chuck: So Many Charities Ask for Money at Christmas. What Do I Do?
My mail and email are full of requests for end-of-year donations, and there are so many good causes. But it's hard to balance how to give at a time of year when I'm shopping for so many.
Ask Chuck: 6 Ways Christians Often Break the 8th Commandment
Dear Chuck, I've been trying to talk to my children about Christian values and ethics. In the Bible, Jesus always brings simple truth into complicated situations, and I am trying to teach my kids to do the same.
Ask Chuck: I Love Christmas but I'm Married to Ebenezer Scrooge!
Dear Chuck, My spouse and I are on the opposite sides of Christmas. He's kind of an Ebenezer Scrooge, doesn't want to spend any money and thinks most decorating is a waste of time and resources, but I love the excitement of the season, and gift giving is a way I like to show my affection.
Ask Chuck: How To Buy the PERFECT Insurance Policy
Dear Chuck, My father recently passed away in an accident and a whole life insurance policy he had is providing some financial relief to my mother, though unlike some other policies they had, it did not pay more for an accidental death.
Ask Chuck: HELP! I'm Not Ready for the Holidays!
Dear Chuck, I cannot believe that it's Thanksgiving week, and Christmas coming in weeks. Most of the time, I feel more stressed than thankful at this time of year (unless you count how thankful I feel when it's all over!) Have any advice about making Christmas more about Jesus' birthday and less about a shop-til-you-drop time of year?!
Ask Chuck: Why Do the 'Wrong People' Get Ahead?
Dear Chuck, I'm in a company where it feels to me that people who are good at flattering the boss – but not necessarily are good at their jobs — get promoted, while more talented people get ignored or passed over.
Ask Chuck: Are Your Children's Activities Wrecking Your Finances?
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are struggling with the costs of our children's extracurricular activities, which seem to be getting more expensive all the time.
Ask Chuck: What All Elected Officials Need to Do AFTER the Election
Dear Chuck, With just days to go until the election and so much fighting on all sides, I wonder if the Bible has anything to say to us about how to govern when this mess is over. Where do we go from here to create a fiscally sound government?