Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • Gay Marriage v. Religious Freedom

    Gay Marriage v. Religious Freedom

    As I\'ve said many times, the issue of same-sex \"marriage\" is really all about religious freedom. For proof, read today\'s commentary.

  • Combating the Coarsening of Culture

    Combating the Coarsening of Culture

    Can something as simple as good manners help to stem the coarsening of our culture? Yes!

  • 'Avatar' and Salvation from Beyond

    'Avatar' and Salvation from Beyond

    Lots of people are saying they\'re blown away by the movie Avatar. What they mean is that the special effects are beyond belief. But so is the movie\'s premise.

  • Orchestrated Anti-Semitism

    Orchestrated Anti-Semitism

    Are the free exchange of ideas, respect for others,and common decency alive on college campuses these days? Sadly, that depends on who\'s doing the talking?

  • Hope for Health Care Reform

    Hope for Health Care Reform

    We\'ve reached a critical juncture in the health care debate. Can both sides rise above partisanship?

  • Faithless New World

    Faithless New World

    Is Great Britain post-Christian, or simply anti-Christian? The answer, and why it matters.

  • Currents Affecting the Church

    Currents Affecting the Church

    Technology, immigration, transportation—many factors are re-shaping our world. How are they changing the face of the global church? Find out.

  • Miracle Stem Cell Cures

    Miracle Stem Cell Cures

    No doubt you\'ve heard how adult stem cells are providing amazing cures. Oh, you haven\'t? Well, I\'ll tell you why.

  • Collision


    What happens when a sincere Christian and a sincere atheist debate each other honestly, openly, and with passion? A fascinating new documentary shows us.

  • Pick Your Battles

    Pick Your Battles

    The folks at the Freedom From Religion Foundation have a complaint. It\'s just this: Mother Teresa was a nun! I\'m not making this up.