Chuck Colson
The Right Kind of Fanaticism?
Imagine the media reaction if a prominent American Christian leader condoned vandalism at abortion clinics. Now imagine the reaction if he went beyond condoning vandalism and agreed to appear as a witness for the defense at the trial of those vandals.
A Good Idea in Tough Economic Times
The problem is that we—politicians and those of us who demand they deliver the goods—have lost the political will to make the difficult choices necessary to live within our means.
Taking Holiness Seriously
It may not have a catchy title like some of today\'s Christian self-help books, but William Law\'s A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life is a true masterpiece
Adding Insult to Injury
People whose Western counterparts are not at risk for HIV/AIDS have been the epidemic\'s principal victims in Africa. Why?
Religulous: The Foolish of the World
I want to focus on one scene that, to my mind, exposes the sad and empty heart of Maher\'s worldview.
The Party\'s Over
Last week I opened the New York Times—and read one of the most powerful ads I\'ve ever seen.
Challenging the New Atheists
You know these names, or at least you know many of them: Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens.
Names You Need to Know
You know these names, or at least you know many of them: Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens.
A Time to Pursue Truth
It\'s getting to the point where I hesitate to turn on the TV.
The Witness of Faith in Tough Times
Everybody I've talked to in recent days is wringing their hands over the financial crisis. People are really afraid.