Dan Delzell
Christian Post Contributor
How do you find your way back to God after you've abandoned Him?
Estrangement can be brutally gut-wrenching, whether it occurs in your family or in your relationship with God.
How spiritual maturity prevents Christian deconstruction
Spiritual maturity is your only hedge of protection against false teaching.
Do baby dedications, infant baptisms produce followers of Christ?
Being baptized or dedicated as an infant is a wonderful starting point, but this righteous act by itself does not produce a mature follower of Christ.
When the obituary page contains your photo
Are you truly prepared for Judgment Day?
5 traits of a modern-day Pharisee
Why be a modern-day Pharisee when you can be a forgiven follower of Christ instead?
The most miserable people on the planet are born-again people who do this
The most miserable people on the planet are born-again people who are deliberately sinning against God's Word and their conscience.
Does it bother you to offend God?
Does it bother you to offend God? And if so, what are you going to do about it?
A dead religion never produces this
Religion that lacks God's living water is dead religion.
Most misunderstood, neglected doctrine in entire Bible
If you have ever struggled to wrap your mind around the biblical doctrine of election (predestination), you are not alone.
Judgment Day and speeding tickets in Heaven
Many people do not realize that all of their thoughts, words and deeds are being recorded in Heaven. And their sins ("speeding tickets") are piling up.