Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • What is your salvation IQ?

    What is your salvation IQ?

    If man had nothing more than a brain and lacked an immortal soul, then I suppose one's IQ might be the greatest indicator of one's intelligence

  • Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done

    Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done

    The kingdom of Jesus is established in every heart that receives Him as Savior and Lord. Christians are never called to build their own little kingdom, but rather, we are called to be willing vessels and loving agents of God's grace and mercy.

  • Transitioning from atheism to agnosticism to Christianity

    Transitioning from atheism to agnosticism to Christianity

    Few atheists make the leap to Christianity without first rejecting atheism in favor of agnosticism.

  • Who needs Leviticus?

    Who needs Leviticus?

    What in the world would Christians today have to gain from studying Old Testament books like Leviticus? After all, the ceremonial law was never intended for use after Christ fulfilled His mission on earth.

  • Could the Catholic Church change its structure?

    Could the Catholic Church change its structure?

    Imagine living in a community of 100 families where the father of one of the families is given oversight and decision-making authority over all of the families. Who in their right mind would ever subject themselves to such a repressive arrangement, right?

  • Romans 7 and 8 for Catholics, Protestants and every Christian

    Romans 7 and 8 for Catholics, Protestants and every Christian

    One of the puzzling paradoxes of the Christian life is that a believer is both a "saint" and a "sinner" at the same time.

  • Romans 5 and 6 for Catholics, Protestants and every Christian

    Romans 5 and 6 for Catholics, Protestants and every Christian

    If you compare Christianity to a house, justification is the foundation and sanctification is the structure.

  • Romans 3 and 4 for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    Romans 3 and 4 for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    It's one thing to have a reputable religious pedigree, but another thing altogether to actually know God. The apostle Paul understood the difference, and the book of Romans lays out what it means to be justified before God and accepted into His family.

  • Romans 1 and 2 for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    Romans 1 and 2 for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    The book of Romans has been called "the cathedral of the Christian faith." And for good reason. It is the most profound and complete exposition of Christianity ever given. The Holy Spirit gave it to the church through the apostle Paul, while being specifically addressed almost 2000 years ago "to all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints."

  • Christine Blasey Ford and Memory Gap Hypnotherapy

    Christine Blasey Ford and Memory Gap Hypnotherapy

    Consider for a moment the small pool of professors who write academic papers that promote hypnosis as a means of filling in memory gaps. What are the odds that one of these professors would become the focal point of the most contentious and politically charged "memory gap incident" in our nation's history?