Dan Delzell
When Jesus Invites You to Breakfast
Have you ever felt completely at a loss spiritually, only to be renewed and lifted up by a time of fellowship with the Lord? It is difficult for us to fully appreciate the discouragement the disciples felt after the crucifixion of Christ.
Don't Confuse Justification With Sanctification
The apostle Paul had a remarkable handle on the relationship between faith and works. He fully understood "the obedience that comes from faith." (Romans 1:5) The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write letters clearly explaining justification and sanctification.
Why Joel Osteen Should Preach About Hell
Tracy Smith is a correspondent for CBS News Sunday Morning. In a recent interview with Joel Osteen, Tracy made no attempt to be politically correct. Instead, she came right out and asked Joel about hell. That's right, the place of eternal punishment.
Glenn Beck, Donald Trump and 'Real Christians': Do Mormons Know Jesus?
Political commentator and radio host Glenn Beck stated recently that "no real Christian" should support Donald Trump. He went on to define a "real Christian" as somebody who is "living their faith." Unfortunately, Beck's admonition produces more questions than answers.
Will You Die to Self and Rise With Jesus on Easter?
Death must precede resurrection. After all, Jesus did it, and the rest is history. And in the case of man, this calls for death to certain things. Perhaps you are ready to die to self and rise with Jesus on Easter. If so, you will need to die to these 10 things
Why Science Will Never Produce Eternal Life
A recent article from the Daily Express in the United Kingdom was titled, "Scientists Take a Step Closer to Eternal Life as They Preserve and Revive Brain." It explained how researchers from 21st Century Medicine (21CM) managed to freeze the brain of a rabbit, and then revive it. The fact that they used a rabbit is ironic given some of the cultural themes associated with Easter.
Walking in the Spirit vs. Walking in the Flesh
The New Testament presents a stark contrast between "walking in the Spirit" and "walking in the flesh." The first approach flows in the power of the Holy Spirit. The second approach is dominated by sinful desires. One way of living satisfies your soul and pleases God. The other way of living makes a person restless and is offensive to God.
Could 'Doing Lent' Hurt My Soul?
The season of Lent is once again in full swing. It's a tradition that leads up to Holy Week and Easter. Some find Lent more meaningful than others. But what if I told you that "doing Lent" could actually hurt your soul? It's true.
The Difference Between Joy and Happiness
If you are chasing happiness in life, you are not alone. It is a common pursuit. And yet, it seems to elude many people.
The Difference Between 'Peace With God' and the 'Peace of God'
Have you ever noticed the difference in the New Testament between "peace with God," and the "peace of God"? One is like stone, and the other is like the ocean. One deals with justification, while the other deals with sanctification.