Daniel Blake
Rick Warren Releases New Books Ahead of AIDS Summit
The Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren is slated to release two new titles this month ahead of a second global summit on AIDS.
Anglican Head Testifies China as an Emerging Power
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the spiritual head of the Anglican Communion, recently spoke of China's immense potential in working to solve the world's problems.
Anglican Head Begins Two-Week China Tour
The spiritual head of the 77-million-member Anglican Communion is having his first direct encounter with China this week, which he began by delivering a sermon to an invitation-only congregation of 300 people in Shanghai.
Micah Network Challenges Churches Worldwide To Be Peace Agents
Leaders from the worlds largest network of evangelical Christian relief and development agencies have declared that local churches worldwide must realize their full potential to become agents of peace and reconciliation in communities broken apart by war and violence across the globe.
Southern Africa Bishops Call for Unity as Anglican Schism Looms
Bishops within the Anglican Communion in Southern Africa have called for the worldwide church to choose to remain united as the threat of a split looms over the issue of homosexuality.
'Groundbreaking' Visit to Burma Reveals Widespread Rape, Ongoing Violations
Representatives from Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) returned this week from a fact-finding visit to Kachin State in northern Burma, citing fresh evidence of extreme violations of religious freedom and human rights, particularly against the largely Christian ethnic group there.
Churches Call for Sri Lanka to Resume Peace Negotiations
A global Christian ecumenical body has called on the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam to respect the terms and conditions of the 2002 ceasefire agreement, put an immediate end to all hostilities and resume peace negotiations without future delay.
Churches Urged to Turn Mideast Recommendations, Prayers into Action
The general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) has issued an urgent call for a comprehensive ecumenical response to bring about long-term peace in the Middle East.