Darrell L. Bock
CP Guest Contributor
Third Way Values: Mercy/Forgiveness
The gospel is about invitation out of a bad situation. The entire point of the gospel story is that Jesus died in order to pay for sin he did not commit but that we did. Being the beneficiaries of grace, we are called to mirror that grace to others.
The Third Way: Human Dignity and Christian Consistency
Many times these days policy is framed as a binary choice where we have to choose one way or the other. However, often this binary choice forces us into an inconsistency that undercuts our moral credibility.
The Third Way: Lessons From the OT Prophets
One of the current tendencies in our culture currently is to be very tribal about our battles, whether politically left or right. What I mean is that the admission of any weakness is to be avoided as to not give space to the "other" side. This approach to engagement in the end is not helpful.
The Third Way and Learning to Love
Perhaps nothing in Jesus' teaching is as challenging as the call to love one's neighbor.
Death, DACA and Decoupling: A Third Way Take on Legislation and Gridlock
Anyone who looks at Congress knows it is broken, hopefully not irretrievably so.
Third Way Values: A Different Look at Power
In the world and in relationships in that world, power often is about who has control of a situation.
Third Way Values: The Reconciliation
There is no Democrat or Republican in the third way. It is directed by the relational concerns of the Savior. So what does that work look like when it comes to relating to others?
The Third Way Is Less About Power or Fear - It's More About Relational Values and Finding Hope
I often look at how the church responds to what goes on and how it reacts, and what I sense is fear. But hope gives perspective.
Dysfunction In the Government: How Should Believers React to the Shutdown?
Stop vilifying and find an alternative solution to end the government shutdown.
Evangelical Christianity: Returning to a Third Way in a Whacky, Polarized World
Many evangelicals now see that the term "evangelical" is not a reflection of them. A world out of whack is a hard place to live.