Dave Thompson

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • Is the Demise of DOMA Good for Churches?; I Say 'Yes'

    Is the Demise of DOMA Good for Churches?; I Say 'Yes'

    I woke up this morning to the breaking news: the US Supreme Court had ruled that DOMA is unconstitutional. Many worry that the next attack will be to force churches to marry gay persons, revoking their non-profit status if they refuse. This Christian would fight to make sure that never happened. So is this a bad thing or good thing for US Churches? I believe this is a good thing.

  • Why I Believe Pastors Should Support Jason Collins

    Why I Believe Pastors Should Support Jason Collins

    Chris Broussard, sports analyst for ESPN, recently commented on NBA player Jason Collins' announcement that he was a homosexual. Broussard, and many other evangelicals, believe people who engage in same-sex relationships are living in "an open rebellion to God." Now, theologian John Piper has also taken Broussard's side, claiming his statements were "solid steel." I disagree.