Dee Komo
CP Contributor
Is Obama's Unilateral Action on Immigration Legal?
"Obama's not clarifying existing law as Reagan did, nor using prosecutorial discretion," Rozell said via email. "He's setting national policy. It is a dangerous path to go down because it will destabilize national policy by allowing presidents, depending on their party affiliation, to change policy through executive orders without Congress."
Church of England to Allow Female Bishops as Soon as December
A dozen words will reverberate across the Christian world causing tears of joy or anguish depending on how you feel about women holding senior offices in church. Last week, Canon 33 of the General Synod, the governing organ of the Church of England, reads "A man or woman may be consecrated to the office of bishop." The decision came after a vote by the General Synod in London over an issue that the church has debated for almost 40 years. The new bishops may be appointed as early as this Christma
Romancing White Evangelical Support: Huckabee's Trip to John Paul II Memorial May Signal Presidential Run?
What happens when a former presidential candidate and 100 evangelicals pray at a Polish Roman Catholic shrine? As it happens, we all break out our tea-leaves-reading skills and peer deeply into the American electoral future.
Ebola's American Victim Doctor Martin Maada Salia: I Strongly Believe My Dangerous Work Was God's Calling
"I see it as God's own desired framework for me," he said in a video posted by the United Methodist Church website. "I took this job not because I want to but I firmly believe that it was a calling and God wanted me to and that's why I strongly believe that the God who has brought me here will fix whatever comes my doorway"
Homeless in the Winter: How Christian Ministries Nationwide Are a Place of Refuge From the Cold
Mary Jo Copeland will be cooking up a storm this Thanksgiving. Her guest list will include 400-500 people from Mary's Place, the transitional housing community she has helped run for over 30 years, as well as their neighbors and anyone else down on their luck.