Thoughts on Ella Dawson and Sexual Relations Over the Years
Ellla Dawson is one millennial that make me concerned for our future. Dawson calls herself a feminist who basically treats sex like a contact sport, for lack of a better term.

Ellla Dawson is one millennial that make me concerned for our future. Dawson calls herself a feminist who basically treats sex like a contact sport, for lack of a better term.
The U.K. government was successful in committing the murder of another terminally ill child. First it was Charlie Gard and now Alfie Evans was the latest sacrifice for the National Health Service and those within the U.K. Government who sympathize with the NHS.
Anglican Christian apostate Thomas Robert Malthus and God hater Margaret Sanger are two of the biggest people in their lifetimes that promoted a culture of death and encouraged the destruction of God's proudest creation. That being the human race.
We need to continue to point out in an age of gender confusion and then some, that men and women ARE different.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation blocks me from ever making remarks on their Facebook page which is fine but also hypocritical.
We must tune out the K-Love's and other Christian music stations. If more people did that, we can pound the nails into their respected coffins and give worship music back to the pastors and to the theologians who promote a higher culture that the church needs.
We moved away from God's holy law and embraced very animalistic and evil ideals.
The "race card" has been the left's longtime weapon against conservatives.
We need to focus on one PCA church leader, his run for the governorship of Texas, his pro-abortion baby murder stance, and the need for the PCA truly push back if not run the man out of the church body should it come to that.
FFRF twists issues so their agenda of progressive politics gets little to no hindrance.