Ed Stetzer
How to Offer Criticism: Part 1
Before you criticize, be sure you understand the person and perspective with which you are taking issue
The Myth of Teenage Rebellion
It is a myth that teens consistently rebel in every culture and context. Teen rebellion is more common in Western industrialized societies
Kick-Starting the Plateaued and Declining Church, Part 5
In leading a church toward revitalization, the opposition may not occur externally as much as internally.
Kick-Starting the Plateaued and Declining Church, Part 4
After assessing the situation, it's time to start facing reality and helping people start making some changes.
Why Share Christ at Christmas
More than the mere insistence of saying \"Merry Christmas,\" this season, like few other times of year, provides us with a scenario where our entire culture is at least cognizant of Jesus.
Kick-Starting the Plateaued and Declining Church, Part 3
Basically, if a church is in a pattern of plateau, it can likely be kick-started more quickly and won't need as much priming.
Kick-Starting the Plateaued and Declining Church, Part 2
Don't go into the situation thinking that you know everything there is to know about the people and the place that God is sending you to minister.
Kick-Starting the Plateaued and Declining Church
Anyone who has had to start a pushmower, chainsaw, or anything with a cord knows how frustrating it can be at times to get things started, especially when the machine is older and colder.
Converts to What? – On the Need for Showing and Sharing the Love of Christ
I continue to see movements gaining traction among Christians that do not seem to have many converts. In other words, they have recruits to their cause, but few converts to Christ.
Why I Speak to Other Groups and How I Decide
I can and do speak at places where I disagree with the hosts. I get that not everyone feels comfortable doing that.