Elena Garcia
Lutherans Open Dialogue Between Church and Seminary on Feminist Theologies
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has opened conversations between the church and academia on feminist theologies, hoping to develop insight on how the Church can live out its commitment to combat sexism in the church and society and to advocate justice for women.
First Human Trials Using Embryonic Stem Cells Draw Skepticism
Not all scientists aren't jumping on the bandwagon to welcome the FDA decision last week that gave a California biotechnology company permission to conduct the first-ever human trial for a treatment derived from embryonic stem cells.
Program Exposes Capitol Visitor Center's Missing Christian Heritage
God and religion have gone "missing" at the newly opened Capitol Visitor Center in Washington and television audiences will get a first-hand look how during a national televised program that airs today.
Creationists to Mark 'Darwin Day' with Anti-Evolution Conference
While hundreds of celebrations worldwide will be marking the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth beginning in February, one creationist ministry will be holding conferences to refute the famed scientist's theory of evolution.
Ohio Billboards Urge 'Merry Christmas' Over 'Happy Holidays'
For the second year in a row, two Ohio women have launched billboards encouraging people to say the traditional "Merry Christmas" seasonal greeting instead of "Happy Holidays." But churches belonging to Advent Conspiracy say the best way to restore scandal of Christmas is by substituting consumption with compassion.
Oxford Junior Dictionary Drops Christian Words
The latest edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary has dropped many words associated with Christianity and British history that were found in earlier versions. The head of children's dictionaries at Oxford University Press said the changes were made to reflect a "multicultural" society.
Hundreds Protest Atheist Sign at Wash. Capitol
Hundreds rallied outside the Washington Capitol on Sunday to protest a holiday sign erected by a group of atheists that disparages religion as a "myth" and declares there is no God.
Best-Selling ESV Study Bible Coming Soon to iPhone
The ESV Study Bible, which debuted last month to stellar sales, is going digital. Crossway Books and Bibles is planning to make the 2,750-page Bible resource available on popular digital platforms like the iPhone and Blackberry.
Highly Praised ESV Study Bible Reports Phenomenal Sales
Retail spending may have declined in October but Bible sales for one Bible publisher are soaring through the roof.
Researchers: Do 'Higher Power' Relationships Lead to or Out of Depression?
Are people who have a spiritual relationship with a higher power more likely to get depressed? Or is it that depressed people tend to establish such relationships on the way to getting out of depression?