Eric Metaxas and Stan Guthrie
The Faith of Soccer Star Tim Howard
With the success of the U.S. soccer team, more Americans than ever before have watched the World Cup. And one player's faith is making headlines.
Freedom Requires Virtue, Which Requires Faith: The Golden Triangle of Freedom
To those of you who don't think religious freedom is that important, I've got a message for you: It isn't. It isn't, that is, if you don't care about any of your freedoms.
The Furious Love of God: A Story Behind the Black Mass
If you're like me, you were probably irked that Harvard would allow a reenactment of a satanic black mass. But hold on, because there's a lesson in all this.
Christian Singles and Practical Atheism
But as James teaches us, a Christian faith that's all bark and no bite isn't faith at all, and can't save anybody. So this sad statistic about young Christians and sex before marriage ought to challenge us, as the epistle says, to "show our faith by what we do."
Flocking to 'Other Christianities:' Like Seagulls to Trash Piles
Harvard is once again touting a dubious scrap of papyrus that claims to quote Jesus as having a wife. Why would they do that? The fragment is what those who worked on the fragment want to find — they need it to be real. That's because the fragment allows them to talk about "Christianities," plural, and "questions about family and marriage and sexuality and Jesus."
Nobody Expects the Rainbow Inquisition
For the past several decades, the scope of what constitutes protected and permissible speech has been narrowing. Views that were commonplace in 2008 are regarded as beyond the pale now. Evidently, the only way to get back into good graces is to publicly recant your position.
Religious Liberty Protections Should Apply to Both Individuals and Corporations
In the contraceptive mandate case Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby—argued Tuesday, March 25th—the government asserts that corporations can't exercise religion because they're not people – and that the people who own corporations can't exercise religion through them because they aren't corporations. Did you follow that? Me neither. But it's true.
'Noah,' Mass Entertainment, and Us
As several colleagues of mine have pointed out, the level of vituperation among Christians over Darren Aronofsky's film is "nuts." Roberto Rivera, a colleague, said that we shouldn't look to the entertainment industry for validation of our beliefs and way of life. And that, sadly, is what too many of us are doing.
Connecting With Millennials
If we want to respond to this opportunity and actually reach this unattached generation, we're going to have to connect them with something they really value. We're going to have to refine our message and our ministry—no more half-hearted Christianity.
Tinkering With Frankenkinder
An FDA panel is currently reviewing a procedure that would allow a child to inherit genetic material from three different people. If that sounds like one too many to you, congratulations! Your moral intuition is more highly developed than that of many scientific researchers.