Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • Learning From Trials

    Learning From Trials

    It would be nice if we could see the trials in our lives as options, as electives. It would be convenient if we could say, "I'm going to skip the trials course." But the fact is, we don't have that option. Trials will come into the lives of every believer.

  • More and More Like Him

    More and More Like Him

    When two people have been married for a while, they start becoming like each other. This has happened with my wife and me. We know each other so well that I can start a sentence, and she can finish it. She knows what I'm thinking, even when I'm not saying it. I'm just amazed at her intuition. Having been married for more than three decades now, we've spent a long time together. This is even more the case when we have been spending time with Jesus Christ.

  • A Daily Deposit

    A Daily Deposit

    Someone who really does love you very much deposits into your bank of time 86,400 seconds every single day. That someone is God. And the condition is that you must spend it. You can't save up time today and apply it toward tomorrow—there's no such thing as a twenty-seven-hour day.

  • When God Overrules

    When God Overrules

    I'm so glad that God will overrule my prayers at times, because I have prayed for things fervently, believing they were the will of God, and they were flat-out wrong. I am so thankful that God said no to those prayers.

  • When the Time Is Right

    When the Time Is Right

    We live in a culture in which everything happens fast. We don't have to wait for much of anything anymore. So when we're told to wait for the Lord's return, it can be difficult for us. We look around at our world and say, "Lord, come on. Look how bad it's getting! Have You forgotten? When are You coming back?"

  • A Gift of Peace

    A Gift of Peace

    One of the first things I remember about the day I put my faith in Christ was the sense of peace filling my heart. It was as though someone had lifted a heavy burden from me. It wasn't until later, when I read the Bible, that I learned about God's promise of peace to every believer.

  • Expect God to Act

    Expect God to Act

  • A Word for the Lonely

    A Word for the Lonely

    Maybe you've been abandoned—perhaps it was by your parents, your spouse, or your children. Or maybe you even feel that you've been abandoned by God Himself. There are many people who feel estranged and alienated from God. Even if they have everything they want in life, they may still face a deep, inner loneliness.

  • Supper


    Can you picture yourself sitting down for lunch with Abraham and Isaac—or the apostle Paul or C. S. Lewis or C. H. Spurgeon? Heaven will be amazing beyond description. And that's why the Bible tells us we should all be a lot more heavenly minded.

  • Keeping Our Focus

    Keeping Our Focus

    Everyone who has run a race knows that you can break your stride by looking over your shoulder to check out how your opponents are doing. Many races have been lost when the leader looked back. When you see that finish line, that is the time to give it everything you've got . . . because sometimes it's mere inches that separate one runner from another. You must stay focused.