Greg Stier
Greg Stier is the Founder and President of Dare 2 Share Ministries International. He has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Christian teenagers through Dare 2 Share events, motivating and mobilizing them to reach their generation for Christ. He is the author of eleven books and numerous resources, including Dare 2 Share: A Field Guide for Sharing Your Faith. For more information on Dare 2 Share and their upcoming conference tour and training resources, please visit
Take care of these 4 areas to keep from becoming a ministry statistic
I've seen far more ministry leaders leave the ministry out of discouragement than disgrace. So how do we keep from being another ministry statistic? How do we finish well?
The strength of your youth ministry isn't measured by size
Those who gauge youth ministry size and youth ministry strength often make the wrong assumption that, just because teens are showing up, they are leading a healthy youth ministry. But people show up at car wrecks, fist fights and circuses too.
Youth ministry must die before it can be resurrected
Without death and burial, there can be no resurrection. It's true of seeds planted in the ground. It's true of our bodies. And it's true of youth ministry. Youth Ministry must "die" in its current form for it to experience a glorious resurrection.
Why I take abortion so personally and you should too
I want to make something crystal clear. This is not primarily a political issue for me. It's an issue of morality and justice. And, for me, it's deeply personal. Why? Because I was almost aborted.
Don't waste your life doing youth ministry
Don't waste your life doing youth ministry. There are far too many youth leaders just "doing" youth ministry anyway.
The No. 1 reason youth leaders quit
Low pay, high stress, discouraging results, no respect, church politics, parental expectations, self-induced pressure....The list of reasons why many youth leaders quit youth ministry could go on and on. But what is the #1 reason?
12 reasons the Gospel should be preached in every sermon
Fellow preacher, if you aren't preaching the Gospel then what message of hope could you possibly bring to your congregation?
7 courageous decisions that could revolutionize your youth ministry in 2019
Instead of New Year's resolutions let's talk about a youth ministry revolution.
Youth leaders, it's time to get off your big, fat 'buts' and get physically fit in 2019!
The more I travel and see youth leaders the more I'm concerned about their physical well-being.
Youth ministers: 3 reasons you must take the time to build a highly effective student leadership team
Here are 3 reasons you need to take the time to build a highly effective student leadership team: