Habib C. Malik

Habib C. Malik

Op-ed contributor


  • Zero rewards for Iran in Lebanon

    Zero rewards for Iran in Lebanon

    The time has come to put a stop to Iran’s imperial expansion into Western Asia and to begin tangibly to roll it back.

  • The deliberate and slow eradication of Lebanon's Christians must end

    The deliberate and slow eradication of Lebanon's Christians must end

    Lebanon’s Christians face an existential crisis unprecedented in its gravity since the 1920 creation of Greater Lebanon and the subsequent independence in 1943 of the Republic of Lebanon. 

  • Christian faith and the ‘theology of place’

    Christian faith and the ‘theology of place’

    For, in the end, this remains your earthly-worldly homeland and not the Kingdom of God where you should aspire to be — this Kingdom, as we are told by the Redeemer Himself, is within you, and is where the Father resides, both of which are wholly other conceptions of “place.”