Hugh Whelchel
Why Dishwashing Matters in God's Kingdom
After a talk I gave on how our work is part of God's great restoration plan, one man approached me with tears running down his face and said, I am 55 years old and I wash dishes for a living. I became a believer about 10 years ago. I thought the best I could do at work was to occasionally share my faith with someone. But I work in the back of a restaurant washing dishes and hardly talk to anyone.
What Does 'Christian Hedonism' Mean for Our Work?
"It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak."
Is the Bible Driving Your Actions and Motivating You to Flourish?
The more we are "all in," the more our thoughts and actions align with God's principles.
Why Our Morals Will Keep the Republic
It is widely believed that the founding fathers recognized religion and morality as the foundation upon which this new republic would rest.
The Motive Makes All the Difference in Competition
We sometimes think it's more Christian to avoid competition.
The Dominion and Stewardship of Humanity Over God's Creation
If the cattle on a thousand hills are God's (Ps. 50:10), how can I brand them as "mine"?
Capitalism: Is Creating Wealth Godly Work?
Are you seeing green?
The Real Reason We Work and Why
The Parable of the Talents teaches us how to work while we wait for the second coming of Christ. Many Christians believe that our salvation is a bus ticket to heaven, and what we do while we wait for the bus makes little difference.
If We're Trusting God to Lead Us, Does That Mean We Christians Don't Need to Bother With Setting Goals?
The Bible has many names for setting goals: the "call of God," the "will of God," "mission," or "vision," to name a few.
Why Is Rachel Weeping in the Christmas Story?
"The slaughter of the innocents" in Matthew 2:14 is one of the most misunderstood stories in the New Testament. Why were the children of Bethlehem brutally murdered, as foretold by some obscure Old Testament prophesy?