J. Matt Barber
Sexual Sin and the Satanic Bible's 'Golden Rule'
Still, few people realize that there is a "Bible" that not only affirms homosexuality (all forms of sexual immorality, in fact), but that goes so far as to make sin the centerpiece of its doctrine — its "golden rule," if you will.
Was 'Trump 2016' Prophesied Centuries Ago?
Dutch politician and historian Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (1801-1876) is credited with what seems an eerily prescient foreshadowing of the bizarre phenomenon that is "Trump 2016."
Obama Administration Enables 'Boy Play'
God help us. Here's what America's newly homosexualized, "values neutral" military looks like.
Kim Davis and the Next Great Awakening
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts."
You\'re an Angry Feminist? That\'s so Cute.
With winds of change rivaling Hurricane Ike, John McCain\'s historic VP pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has blown away the left\'s mask of \"inclusive tolerance,\" exposing an ugly and desperate countenance below.
Children in the 'Gay Marriage' Crosshairs
Four black-robed Dr. Frankensteins have loosed that paradoxical abomination tagged "same-sex marriage" on the countryside.