Jack Graham
Op-Ed Contributor
Dr. Jack Graham is the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, one of the largest and fastest-growing churches in America. He is the author of the acclaimed Unseen, and his PowerPoint Ministries broadcasts are available in 92 countries and are heard daily in more than 740 cities. Follow him @jackngraham.
3 principles from one of the Bible's most popular verses
So many Christians don’t fully understand the beauty and depth of the promises offered to believers in these two short verses.
3 promises Jesus offered us on Palm Sunday
Think about what Jesus was going through when He made this promise. He had spent the last three years of his life hounded by the haters and suffocated by persecutors and oppressors. Despite all this, Jesus had peace.
Overlooked promise of Christmas: Peace on Earth
Yet with so many who pray for peace this time of year, why does it seem like peace always eludes us?
This Memorial Day, do something for someone who can’t pay you back
But the true meaning of Memorial Day tends to get lost — the willingness of men and women to answer our nation’s call, knowing the risks they face, willing to give their lives to protect and defend the country they love.
Healing our nation with the hope of Easter
As we celebrate Easter this Sunday, about 60% of Americans will likely attend a service. Unfortunately, research indicates that only a fraction actually understand this momentous day’s true meaning.
What to do with the Word of God?
We must first recognize that when we complain about not having 15 minutes in a day to sit down in a quiet spot, crack open our Bible and read the blessed Word, we are telling ourselves a bald-faced lie. It’s time to shut off our phones and open our Bibles.
Christmas: A time to reflect on God's presence, promise, and provision
In Jesus, we have the mind of God thinking, the heart of God beating, the hands of God reaching and the feet of God walking. He is the one who was promised from long ago.
3 blessings of gratitude
We often forget that ingratitude is a sin against God. It reveals pride, arrogance and self-centeredness. Gratitude opposes destructive attitudes such as fear, bitterness, unforgiveness and despair that drag us down and can even cause damage to us physically.
How to teach your children wisdom
Your children are watching you. So be a model of virtue and purity. Be the kind of person your child can trust and respect as a role model. Teach them wisdom.
Where was God on Sept. 11, 2001?
In the aftermath of that terrible day, we wrestled with the age-old question: Why does God allow so much evil in the world? Twenty years later, we continue to ask: Where was God on Sept. 11, 2001?