Jay Freeman
3 Things We Cannot Do Without Faith
Faith is very powerful. What are some of the things we can't do without it?
Husbands, Here Are 3 Practical Ways To Love Our Wives Like Christ Loved The Church
Are you excited to love your wife the way Christ did? If you are but don't know where to start, here are some practical ways to do that.
There's Something Every Christian Still Needs To Do After Being Saved By Jesus
Here are some things that every Christian should do after being saved.
Can I Be Christian and Not Go to Church?
Can a person become a believer in Christ without going to church? Let's talk about that.
Can Getting Married Ever Make a Person Feel Complete? Here's The Christian Answer
History tells us that when men and women marry each other, they find happiness in each other but the problems don't end there.
Why Does God Sometimes Answer Our Prayers Later Than We Want?
I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about: you're praying but the answer arrives way past the time or moment of your need.
When God Doesn't Give The Miracle
We prayed hard, but God didn't seem to give us what we prayed for. We asked, but did not receive the miracle we hoped for. Why does this happen?
The Surprising Truth About Amazing Faith
We all want to have real, strong faith, but seriously, what does that kind of faith look like?
The Verse in Romans That Can Help If You're Unclear About The Will of God For Your Life
I always thought that God would somehow make it known to me in ways that would be so clear and so personal. Yet I've missed the very tool that He uses to tell me about it
Unanswered Prayer: Here's One Reason Why You Might Be Praying to No Avail
Why would a loving God "ignore" the cries of His people? There can be a good reason.