Jeff Schapiro
Grandmother of Seven Leads Churches for the Homeless
A grandmother of seven with a heart for children and the poor leads a ministry that has created two "sidewalk churches" geared toward the homeless in Charlotte, N.C.
UK Prime Minister Announces Changes to Protect Children From Porn
Prime Minister David Cameron announced on Monday several ways in which the U.K. plans to crack down on online pornography, saying it is important to protect children from even legal explicit content.
South Carolina Megachurch Kicks Off 'Redneck' Sermon Series
A South Carolina megachurch is using humor to help reach people with the gospel in a new "Redneck" sermon series that began last weekend.
'The Bible' Miniseries Earns Emmy Nomination; Roma Downey Calls It a 'Blessing'
"The Bible" miniseries has been nominated for an Emmy Award in the "Outstanding Miniseries or Movie" category, it was announced Thursday morning.
TD Jakes' MegaFest 2013 to Include International Faith and Family Film Fest
The inaugural International Faith and Family Film Festival, which is designed to encourage the growth of the faith and family film industry, is set to take place in August as a part of Bishop T.D. Jakes' MegaFest 2013.
Dozens of Strangers Pay It Forward at 'Heav'nly' Donut Shop Drive-Thru
A Massachusetts donut shop customer inspired more than 50 others to "pay it forward" by purchasing food and drinks for others in line at the store's drive-thru.
Archaeologists Welcome Volunteer Help at Biblical Site
Archaeologists in Israel are allowing the general public to help uncover the remains of what they believe was once Libnah, an ancient city that overlooked biblical giant Goliath's hometown of Gath.
Students on Asiana Flight Were Not to Participate in Organized Church Activities
The Chinese students aboard the Asiana Airlines jet that crashed in San Francisco on Saturday were headed to a summer camp hosted by a church and Christian school in Southern California, but the school is now making it clear that no church-related events were planned for the students.
Study: VBS Remains a Popular Summertime Activity With Churches
Two-thirds (68 percent) of churches in America put on a vacation Bible school (VBS) last summer, according to a new Barna Group study, and it appears the summertime event for children will continue to be popular with churches in the years to come.
National Coalition Announces Boy Scouts Alternative Founded on Christian Values
A national coalition, which includes people formerly associated with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) as well as several other partners, announced Tuesday the formation of a new youth organization for boys that is founded on Christian values and principles.