Jennifer Riley

Christian Post Reporter


  • World Seems Immune to Violence Against Women, Says Church Group

    World Seems Immune to Violence Against Women, Says Church Group

    The world is guilty of ignoring the high rate of violence against women and the increase risk of abuse the economic crisis has put them in, said leaders of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in a message for International Women's Day.

  • U.S. Religious Groups: Fixing Economy is Washington's Top Priority

    Religious groups in America disagree on a wide range of issues, but one thing they readily agree on is that the government's current top priority is to fix the nation's economy, according to a recent Pew Survey.

  • Reformed Church Awards First Green Congregation Grants

    The Christian Reformed Church announced on Tuesday the winner of its first annual U.S. Green Congregation Grant. Covenant CRC of Sioux Center, Iowa, was announced the winner for its proposed curriculum of a 4-day Creation Care Day Camp.

  • Christians to Hold National Day of Prayer, Fasting for America

    Christians nationwide are joining together for a national day of prayer and fasting for America on Wednesday. Participants will pray and confess their sins to God and commit to obeying His laws in hopes that God will rescue the country from its current economic crisis.

  • Study: Jews Less Likely than Christians to 'Switch' Faith Affiliation

    Study: Jews Less Likely than Christians to 'Switch' Faith Affiliation

    Jews are less likely to change religious affiliation than Protestant Christians and Catholics, a new study claims.

  • Lutherans Report Increase of 161K Members Worldwide

    Member churches of the Lutheran World Federation reported a worldwide net increase of 161,792 individual members in 2008.

  • Sen. Brownback Under Fire for Abortion Letter

    Conservative, pro-life advocate Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) is under fire for statements he allegedly made in a fundraising letter that questioned the genuine Catholic faith of fellow Democratic senators who support an abortion rights legislation.

  • Survey: Understanding How Different Generations Use Technology

    While it's no surprise that young adults are more tech-savvy than the older generation, a new study examines specific details of the differences that could help church leaders better understand how to get their messages to click with congregants.

  • Billy Graham Association to Lay Off Staff

    The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association plans to lay off 10 percent of its staff an official at the organization said this week. Most of the employees that will be let go are from service areas such as grounds keeping and food service.

  • UMC to Launch 'Sex and the Church' Series

    The United Methodist Church will begin a series titled "Sex and the Church" next week to address hot topics such as teen pregnancy, homosexuality and divorce. The Church is recruiting leaders from around the world to share their expertise.