Jim Daly

Jim Daly

CP Contributor


  • On Vacations and Rest

    On Vacations and Rest

    Americans leave as many as 175 million available vacation days unused in the typical year. I can certainly understand the stresses that might prompt workers to eschew time off and vacations. The unfortunate result is more and more Americans are making do without times of rest and relaxation. But God Himself modeled the importance of rest for us.

  • On the Closure of Exodus International

    On the Closure of Exodus International

    Exodus' closing is being hailed by some as a victory and indication that Christians are abandoning long-held convictions that living with God's design for sexuality is possible through the power of Jesus Christ - that change is possible. The reality is that while Exodus will no longer exist, there are numerous Christian ministries that continue to provide excellent help

  • Five Questions and Answers About the Same-Sex Marriage Issue

    Five Questions and Answers About the Same-Sex Marriage Issue

    The Supreme Court is expected to rule on two key marriage cases before the end of June. And as the nation awaits the decisions to the Prop 8 and DOMA and cases, good people are asking thoughtful questions on why marriage matters. However, it's not always easy to wade through the research and pundit talking points to get trustworthy information on this important issue. You might even find yourself in a conversation with a friend who might see things differently than you.

  • Colorado Fire Hits Our Area Again

    Colorado Fire Hits Our Area Again

    Nearly one year since a massive wildfire decimated neighborhoods just to the west of our campus here in Colorado Springs, we once again find ourselves glued to news reports of devastating fires destroying homes in the area.

  • What a Viral Video Can Teach Us About Marriage Communication

    "It's Not About the Nail" is a short video that's been making the rounds. It takes a humorous look at the differences in how men and women communicate – and if you've been married for at least five minutes, you can probably relate to what the couple in the clip is going through.

  • Is Online Dating Biblical?

    Is Online Dating Biblical?

    Online dating is one of those subjects that Christians enjoy debating. In one camp, there are some who believe looking for love online betrays a lack of faith in God's provision of a spouse. In their view, the seemingly endless lists of online profiles creates a superficial consumer mentality that undermines the sacrificial nature of Christ-centered love.

  • Tears at Midnight: A Memorial Day Story

    Tears at Midnight: A Memorial Day Story

    Standing there on the deserted trail, in the shadow of the memorial that contained the names of too many of his friends, Roger, in halting voice, shared with me his story.

  • Teach Them Why They Died So That We Might Live

    Teach Them Why They Died So That We Might Live

    So there are a lot of new things to teach our children. Important things. Critical things. But I would urge every parent to teach their children one more thing this week and emphasize it all the year through: Teach them about the meaning behind Memorial Day.

  • In Honor of Mom

    In Honor of Mom

    I haven't hugged Jan Daly for over 40 years, but her love and prayers have followed me all my life. Our time together was too short, but I'd like to think I inherited Mom's playful wit and humor. I miss you, Mom.

  • Ten Reasons Kids Leave the Church

    Of all the hats I wear in life, the one I enjoy most may be that of "dad." As much fun as Trent, Troy, and I have together, whether it's camping or just throwing the ball around, not a day goes by that I don't give serious thought to how my wife, Jean, and I are leading them spiritually.