John B. Sorensen
Op-ed Contributor
Rev. John B. Sorensen, D.D. is the President/CEO of Evangelism Explosion International, headquartered in Arden, N.C. EE has been a leader in equipping Christians to share their faith for more than 55 years. For more free tips and resources, visit evangelismexplosion.org.
Reaching the unreached: Going into all the world
With our transient society, many of the nations are right in our own backyard. They are coming to us. We can be ready to share with them the best news they have ever heard!
Breaking the ice: Starting Gospel conversations
The truth is, I get nervous every time I start to talk to someone about spiritual matters. But God did not call us to remain silent.
The power of spiritual mentorship
Discipleship is a life-long process, but so is the process of making disciples.
God never leaves us alone
God loves the people we encounter as much as He loved us — enough to send Jesus to die for them on a cross. And He uses us to share that love with them. When we seek Him as we share that love, He will lead and guide us through the whole process, even when we experience fear.
Why witnessing begins with prayer
Who would you like to see give their lives to Jesus this year? A family member? A friend? Or perhaps the people you work with or those who live in your community? Whoever they are, you can be a part of introducing them to Christ by committing to pray for them every day.
Jesus leads us to share
Jesus gave us a model for everything God calls us to do, so that we can model it to others. As we study His life and grow in our Christian walk, we have an opportunity to model that to others and help them grow in their walk with Jesus.
What is true Christian fellowship?
God calls us into true Christian fellowship with other believers around us, but not just so we won’t be lonely. He wants us to join together to share His love with the world.
Jesus and the art of Gospel storytelling
Our stories can be powerful. They contain our personal experience with a living God and can entice others to want to experience that power too. Consider how you can incorporate your own God stories as you share the Gospel with others.
Saving faith is transformative
God is looking for people who have faith. Faith is the main feature of the Christian life. Without it, we cannot be saved, and through it, we experience God’s power to be witnesses.
Scripture calls us to share
Paul says in Romans 1:16 that the Gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” Isn’t it amazing that God chooses to use us—fearful and fallible human beings—to share that power? When we do, He gives us the amazing opportunity to witness His power in action as it changes lives for eternity.