John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine
A Lesson in Virtue From ... Jack Abramoff?
A new Washington scandal reminds me of an old one. And that without virtue, there aren't enough rules to save us from ourselves.
Church Should Lead Fight Against Anti-Muslim, Anti-Jewish Bigotry
The words "hate," "bigotry" and "intolerance" are mis- and over-used. But that makes it more important that we speak out against the real thing when it's there.
Ash Wednesday Reminds We're All Going to Die. Happy Lent!
Ash Wednesday somberly reminds us that we're all going to die. But it also reminds us of something much more important.
Fighting Discrimination, Supporting Religious Freedom Not Mutually Exclusive
Can we fight discrimination and preserve religious freedom at the same time? Absolutely. But we need some clarity first.
Mildred Fay Jefferson Broke Color Barriers and Championed Life
It's good for us to remember the heroic faith of those who've gone before us. And then to go and do likewise.
Our Sleep Deprivation Epidemic Is a Spiritual Problem
Because our bodies matter to God — and not just in a moral sense — our rest matters to God, too. So much so, He built it into the rhythms of the universe.
When We Prefer Pets to Children
I'm gonna get a lot of email about this commentary, so let me say this up front: I like animals. And pets are wonderful things. But. . . .
Gay Weddings Trump Religious Freedom, Court Rules
The Washington State Supreme Court has punished a florist for running her business according to her faith.
If Beyoncé's Fetuses Are Babies, Why Not All Fetuses?
Objective realities aren't subject to feelings, but increasingly, that's the verdict of our celebrity-driven culture. Just ask Beyoncé's twins.
An Embryo Isn't 'Just a Clump of Cells,' New Research Shows
Can we finally give the myth that an unborn baby is "just a clump of cells" a decent burial?