John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine
Ronda Rousey, Reality TV and Jesus
What fuels popular culture? In a word, hype. We, however, should be fueled by something else. Especially during Advent.
Higher Ed Needs a Higher Purpose
The current turmoil on our nation's campuses is just a symptom of a deeper problem: Our universities have lost a vision for education.
Prayer Shamers Put Their Faith in Something Else
Prayer, it seems, is no longer a politically acceptable response to tragedy. Instead, we're being told to put our trust in something else.
Prepare Your Teen for the College Jungle
With all the craziness happening on university campuses, how do we prepare future collegians before they get there?
Americans Becoming Both More, Less Christian
Polarization is not just evident in American politics; it's also evident when it comes to religion. And the two are intensifying.
Colorado Springs Shooting: 3 Things to Remember
The shooting in Colorado Springs was immediately used to further an agenda. But this doesn't change our agenda at all.
Why So Many Anti-Poverty Programs Fail
To really help the poor, we must not only change their mindset and worldview — but ours as well!
Why Is Pop Music So Angry?
Cheerfulness and popular culture seem to have had a falling out, and from the looks of it, they're "never, ever, ever getting back together."
Caring About Small Things, Overlooking Big Things
What is the most critical issue of our age? The war against religious freedom? ISIS? The definition of marriage? Or what to wear for Halloween?
More on Marijuana Madness
We might joke around that marijuana backers tend to be all mellow, but mention you oppose legalization — some don't find it funny.